[@Jinxlynx] I'd have used art styles and the like, but then I'd have to limit it to a specific few artists, otherwise they all look so starkly different. Too different. Is it picky? Sure as hell is, but where can you find me a bunch of art that closely resembles Overwatch's aesthetic without looking off - or dissimilar? I'd have to completely disallow OCs in order to get something uniform. Because I can't really control what kind of art work you guys intend to find. All of it varies too much in style and a lot of it won't fit with Overwatch's aesthetics, especially if we're using official art or something similar for the canon characters. OCs would differentiate too much with Canon; it's like using anime art in one CS and then using hyper-realistic art in another. Having real photos, like the one in the Reinhardt CS, makes it much easier to keep things uniform without going to such great lengths. I care about both the quality of the writing and the quality of the roleplay's aesthetics. Just look for someone that has similar features to the characters - it makes it much easier to match OCs with canon that way.