Name: Gemma O'Quinn Age: 24 Gender: Female Languages: English, Gaelic Description: [img][/img] Biography: Gemma grew up in Enniskerry, County Wicklow, Ireland. She lived with her parents and brothers in a small cottage near the Wicklow Mountains. Her mother wanted a refined daughter, but Gemma was more the type to go bow hunting with her father and surfing with her brothers. Their relationship was strained at best. Gemma's mother expected a proper young lady and Gemma did everything she could to be the opposite of that. She was closer with her father, who treated her like one of the boys, and her brothers loved her rambunctious nature. She loved nothin more than to spend the day with her Da in the forest, hunting deer and pheasant with her bow or out in the icy sea with her brothers, riding the waves. When she was 19 her father died of a heart attack and her oldest brother left school to take care of their mother at home. Gemma left after that, she couldn't bear the grief and the growing tension at home. Her mother had a mental breakdown and the parts of her heart that were left had no room for her daughter any longer. Gemma went to America to study History and Art at Brown. College life didn't quite agree with her. The teachers droned, she couldn't read, paint, or write what she liked, and the workload was tedious. Americans, most of them anyway, cared little for life and more for money. The boys especially, she found were only interested in one or two things. Neither of which were difficult to guess. She dropped out after a year and joined some roadies who followed bands across the country. Music became her drug and she threw herself into it like the proverbial fish to water. Traveling in dirty vans and buses, living off of diner food, getting lost in the music, and sleeping wherever she lay her head took her mind off her pain more than anything else did.