[center] [h1][color=92278f] Aviva [/color] [/h1] [/center] Aviva watched as the male shop keeper pulled out a box of already opened tissues from under the counter. He was very thankful for this. [color=92278f]"Oh, thank you, thank you very much sir."[/color] he bowed his head slightly as he grabbed about two tissues and tried to stop the bleeding from his nose. "I don't mean to be such a burden." He whispered almost to quiet for anybody else to hear. The next thing the make shop keeper said surprised Aviva greatly as it made Aviva tilt his head in a confused way for a few moments. [color=92278f]"Are..." [/color]He paused his words as he tried thinking of what he wanted to say. [color=92278f]"I-I don't know...I couldn't."[/color] Aviva stated his reply as he rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't want to be rude to the shop owner though he didn't want to take anything for free. "[color=92278f]I'll pay if I pick something out...I got to pay you back some way..."[/color] Aviva turned his head over his shoulder as he looked at the different things on the shelves and nodded his head slightly. He looked round the store as he sees a bunch of unorganised items and objects on the shelves that were crooked with some shelving. He sighed and let his body relax a little he felt slightly calm at the moment. Items of no value and high value sat on the shelves as well together. Looking back at the shop keeper, he shook his head in slight disagreement. [color=92278f]"Alright..."[/color] he said second guessing himself. [color=92278f]"I'll pick something...Though if it's pricey to please tell me and I'll pay for it..."[/color] He stated as he could see nothing really had a true price tag on it.[i] . . .Maybe a trading shop? . . . Who knows . . . [/i]Aviva was slightly embarrassed he agreed to pick something from the shelves. He kind of felt like he was stealing in away? Internally that's how he felt, but he knew he shouldn't feel in such of a way. Aviva took a few steps as his body turned towards the shelving unit which stood right behind him. Tilting his head looking at the items on the shelf he nodded his head with interest and thinking. He looked at himself and checked what he already had on him. A black jacket with yellow stripes on the shoulders and round the armpit areas with full sleeves that were pulled up with a red interior, a necklace with a black string and a little gold jewellery with something carved into it, two driving gloves, a white shirt with black pants, black combat army boots, and a belt that was it. He cracked his neck slightly. Biting his lip slightly. He felt like he already had enough stuff especially he was running away from home already. Aviva went down to the left side of the shelving unit as he picked up objects and studied them as he picked and placed things back. He ended up picking up a playing card that had the Norse god Thor on it. He titled his head[i]. . . .Why only one card? . . . [/i]He internally questioned before he set it down and went into a different section of the shop. Going through a box of things, he just found dust, papers and some old thing with circles on it. Which he didn't even check out he turned around and started looking at other things. He then saw a complete black dagger with red markings on the side of the blade, and it caught his eye right away. Aviva walked up to the weapon and carefully picked it up. [color=92278f]"How much is this?"[/color] Aviva questioned as he looked back at the shop keeper.