[hider=Thacel] Name: Thacel Alias: N/A Gender: Male Domain (Portfolio): War (Strategy) Domain (Portfolio) Description: When there is free will there is war. Ideologies clash and battles ensue, it is the one constant in a universe with chaos and choice flowing through it. It is this aspect that Thacel is the demigod of. With this domain beneath him he is able to grant the insight of war, the pure theoretical concept and knowledge, to other beings rather than strength, agility, etc. While there are those who focus on the brute force aspects of War, Thacel is not among their number. Instead he relies upon the strategies and tactics that allow a weaker force to outmaneuver those of greater number or power. Unfortunately this only truly benefits him when he has a number beneath him, he is a tactician rather than a warrior and would have a difficult time in a one on one duel with another demigod. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/156184-muttonhawks-vain-attempt-to-reduce-page-loading-times/ooc]Vigilance[/url]: A Jian sword created for him by Toun, carries it on his left hip outside of his robe. Alignment: Neutral Personality: He is neither bloodthirsty nor is he benevolent, though he has been described as both from his actions. The amount of dead on either side doesn’t matter the slightest to him as he views the conflict as a means to judge the effectiveness of various formations, strategies, etc on various terrains and against other strategies. Due to his domain and portfolio the side he is aiding often seems him as kind and just since his actions cause a decrease in death rates within their army while the other side feels the exact opposite. And while he is pleased when his side suffered fewer losses this is not due to any sense of bond or care for life, but because it shows that the tactics used that day were successful in their execution. While one may expect him to show up in as many wars and battles as he can this is not the case. After the end of each battle he takes his leave in order to create time in which he can go over his analysis of the data collected so far. During this time he will hide away from the world, spending as much time as is needed to edit, remove, or add notes to what he had developed thus far. Any interruptions to his seclusion are highly unwelcomed, though there are a few beings that he makes exception to. Despite his interests in the methods of war, and more importantly the art of winning them, he does take downtime so he can travel the land. This is partially out of necessity, if he were to stay in one location for too long his instincts and intellect would stall as he wouldn’t be adding anything new, and partially to relax for a while. He knows that if he were constantly at war he would inevitably burn out. He would get caught in a rut and this would lead to a stalling of his growth to the same degree as staying in one location. So he travels, wandering until he happens upon a new war brewing. He dislikes joining in the middle of one, coming in at the start he has time to observe passively before taking action a luxury that is not afforded if he came in the middle. When interacting with mortal beings he retains much of his personality from battle, remaining cold and calculating. He knows that he would be without purpose without the existence of them but he cannot bring himself to view them as more than pawns, no matter the titles they may hold within their societies. It is clear to him that this viewpoint is caused by his own pride but that is not a good enough reason for him to alter his behavior. On the other hand when he is in the presence of other demigods or the gods themselves he has a much more relaxed demeanor. With some he even reaches the point of friendly warmth. He feels at home among the other divine entities, though this doesn’t protect all of them from being at the receiving end of his annoyance if they were to interrupt him during his analysis phase. During his wandering periods he makes sure to visit various gods and demigods, catching up on the latest events not pertaining to war, for the same purpose that he travels in the first place. It gives him time to decompress and give his mind a brief rest before joining the next battle. Appearance: [hider] [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/2d65/f/2008/240/8/8/swordman_by_firebolide.jpg[/img] [/hider] Description: Anyone who sees Thacel upon the battlefield would notice the cold fire burning within his gaze, it is clear that he would not care what happened to the beings on either side. It would be evident that he was not there for the blood, he wasn’t there for glory, he was there to ensure a complete and overwhelming victory at any cost. He has taken it upon himself to act as the mind of any army he stands with. Despite this even in defeat the fire doesn’t go out because he is already breaking down the battle to find what went wrong and fix it so it didn’t happen again. He is a tactician through and through when he stands with a commander who heeds his word. Musical Theme:[url] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujVNKQrYSuk[/url] Concealment Level: 1. Detection Level: 1. [/hider]