[center][img]http://imgur.com/081emtM.png[/img] [b]Alice's Home - [i]Basement/Ground Floor[/i] -> Church - [i]Exterior[/i][/b] [@GreenGoat][/center] Hugues seemed utterly unperturbed by his master's sudden outburst of laughter, flickering on the border of intangibility and corporeality. That she would dissuade fears of an attack this early on but refuse to make a personal appearance all the same... "Very well," he said plainly, "Inconsequential as a doll's death may be in this war, I shall escort it..." he paused, "[i]You[/i], to the destination. A discerning eye upon the competition, should they make an appearance themselves, will aid me greatly in the coming battles." He listened to Alice's last comment intently, and seemingly dwelled upon it for a few moments before speaking in a particularly confident tone. "Some are quick-witted enough that such a complete plan is already well made and set. I dare say I may be one of them." Blank as his helmet was, Alice could discern the presence of a smile beneath the black veils. As the doll trotted off, Rider followed suit, maintaining his spiritual form as he came upon the outside world. Dark as it was, a being as large and imposing as himself would catch every glint of moonlight there was and signal to every late-night civilian that he was present. An appearance would have to wait until he were in more secretive locales. [center]------------------------------------------------------[/center] Approaching the Church, Hugues could immediately discern from the wealth of energy welling at its center that this was, indeed, his Master's destination; the 'Overseer's Headquarters'. Fitting that it was a church. Entering through the front gate, Hugues found himself muttering a few words to himself in prayer. [i]"Let this be a sign that God is nearby."[/i] Besides the Servant before him, no others were present. Only a bird familiar had made itself known. Disappointing. He had hoped to see others for more reasons than simply to size them up. Hugues materialized with a sigh, arms crossing as a gentle blue flame rippled across the surface of his armor before flitting away into nothing. Before the overly-dressed Ruler, Hugues could only eye him in silence, hoping that the doll indeed could speak for Alice. Was this the attire of an aristocrat in the modern era? It looked expensive... almost arrogantly designed, as if purposefully toting importance beyond the actual value of the materials. "Have other Servants come to this Church yet?" he asked of Ruler, waiting for his master to finish speaking prior.