The tension in the room abated to a tolerable degree as the harmless breach of conduct was dismissed. Mithias stood silent, frowning slightly as he mused. The situation was thus: that the Silent King was unavoidably going to attack their several worlds, in their several respective universes, Oswald offered his support in resisting this takeover, and the cyclopean women was somewhere in the middle with an army of robots in service to her corporation. The remade and redeemed representative of humanity didn't like being brought into the middle of this. It didn't feel like the choice belonged to him in the first place. He inwardly sympathized with the mad god who curled up into a ball on the floor nearby. The choice was whether or not to enlist the aid of this alien 'demon of good' and fight, or to encourage his world, who would be entirely unprepared to defend itself in merely 36 hours, to surrender. The burden of decision was annoying. Mithias telkinetically reached for an infosphere again, a power his Necron host probably also detected, yet the black floating orb came to him. The rest spoke amongst themselves behind him as he scrolled through charts and plans. His sharp yellow eyes scrutinized in detail, his mind hiding his conclusions in a black void as he panned around, running searches. He shifted his weight to one leg and crossed his arms across his chest, bringing a hand to his lips deep in thought. To side with Oswald, presuming he could win, was to defend his people from an outside invader, to give them the chance to keep their freedom. Humans, and vampires, would continue to evolve and shape their own destiny as a species, but it was also to let them continue to struggle against each other, to fall prey to their own weaknesses and to suffer needlessly against powers they could not control for potentially eternity. "...would I actually choose chaos?" Mithais mused to himself with a furrowed brow as he stared at the screens. He ran a hand through his hair, as he always did when he was unsettled. The Necron DID have the technology to shut out the immaterium, and had a very strong chance of completely cutting it out of real existence. The human Emperor of that dimension would have done the very same. As for his personal, original world, Necron rule would end the war between the species, humans and vampires, allowing both to survive under new management. But the price would be a loss of autonomy, a loss of identity. Life itself is defined by struggle and pain. Would these conquered species merely be living as pets?? Mithias wanted to pace, but he held himself in place. ...or would they become one with the new Empire, loyal subjects, ordered, proud? Mithais asked himself, was he ready to choose evil? After some time, Mithais turns back to the Necron King and addresses him. "I couldn't find what I was looking for. I wanted to see your mission statement. Tell me, Silent King. Why do you do this? Why 'gift' this order and technology to other species? Do you love them? Do you simply hate the spread of chaos so much? Or do you merely seek domination to its fullest to satisfy some outdated and futile code written into your metallic mind? Why is it that your particular empire must come to be?" This was truly the crux of the matter. Mithais had stated previously that the Necron lord was not worthy, could not be worthy, for the task he intended. Everything now depended on what he would say in response.