Name: Skylar Gray (Sky) Wonderland Persona: Cheshire Cat Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: [img=] Personality: Skylar is everything one might think of when describing a cat; tricky, deceitful, and feels entitled to everything she sees. She is not one for exerting extra effort unnecessarily, preferring to lounge around instead, but when needed can be as fierce as her temper. It's not uncommon for her to change her mind about absolutely everything, from what she wants to eat to whom she'll follow around. Sky demands respect and does not react well when not given it, more often than not turning her rage into physical violence. Despite her bi-polar tendencies, Skylar has a brilliant mind and is not afraid to use it to plot against someone who she feels has wronged her. Once she takes hold of a grudge, it will be years before it fades... Or the subject dies. History: Sky grew up a street rat, orphaned at a very young age. She had to learn how to protect herself on the dirty streets of Philadelphia and earned a reputation from some of the younger gang members and homeless kids. Fierce and wild, she wouldn't allow anyone close to her, let alone touch her. Isolated and depressed, Sky fought day after day with her inner demons, struggling with keeping herself alive. It wasn't until she was 15 that anyone took her in and gave her something she could call a home. She cleaned up her act and went to high school, or tried to, bullied on a daily basis for her lack of social grace and education. More than once she came close to her breaking point, wanting nothing more than to break bone and cut flesh but she held out. Faster than most would have believed she began to pick up on things and then become an expert on them, excelling through her classes and entering honor classes within a year. After a couple of years in high school, Sky's class went on a trip to England over their spring break. She found the city of London to be so interesting, magical in a way and didn't want to leave. While everyone slept, she crept away in the middle of the night and became a homeless runaway at the age of 18. She stole away to the outskirts of the city and found places for shelter, feeling so free after the time she had spent in school. It was there that she remained, growing up to be a mischievous adult yearning for adventure.