[hr][hr] [center][h1]Juliette Morrison[/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m54ma9gt7t1qdznpo.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Ghal-Priyam; The Empty Fields. [sup][b]Post In Collaboration With:[/b] None. [b]Interacting With:[/b] Raymond Rahlei, and everyone else there.[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] "You nearly flattened a pair of children, you oafen heel! Peace? You come in peace? What sort of foolish boychild are you?" The children… where they..? Was what Collin was saying really true..? The words having caught her ear as they joined the ever growing crowd in the fields, Juliette raised a single hand, the panic and slight fear she felt clear within her features as she covered her mouth in worry, her lips parting from one another as she continued to listen to the heated conversation that was going on before majority of Ghal-Priyam. Shuffling along slightly as she felt the protective hold of an arm around her waist pulling her closer than before, Juliette tore her attention away from the multitude of voices before them, her bright gaze lifting instead to the man who had been standing at her side now since the moment of their formal introduction, and with the gentle and comforting squeeze she felt upon her side, he once more helped to ease her worried heart. These outsiders… not only had they disturbed a sacred day of celebration and joy, but they had also endangered the lives of the people; she could understand why Collin was as angered by their actions… so why was everyone else being so quick to welcome them into the community..? “..Raymond…” Her voice was soft… barely audible over the crowd as she spoke to the man who held her fast in his arms, the native tongue of her people coming as naturally as breathing air into the lungs as she curled her body closer to his, the conversation with the outsiders seeming to continue on around them, “..Raymond, I don’t like this… I-I don’t understand why they trust them so easily…” “I know… Collin will take care of it; and I’m not going anywhere. If not them; you can trust us.” Hesitating but a moment, Juliette eventually nodded her head, the worry still clear within her bright blues though this time, there was that hint of trust- no matter what happened, she knew that both Collin and Raymond had Ghal-Priyam’s best interest at heart… and if either of them could put a stop to any wrong-doing or ill-intent that these outsiders held for their home-... She believed in Collin… she always had… Feeling something hitting up against her leg, Juliette froze, her brows furrowing in worry and a small frown gracing her features as she turned her head down, her attention falling to the familiar feeling of cotton against her skin. Had someone-… Had someone dropped something..? Shooting a quick though rather unhelpful glance around her person, she eased herself out of Raymond’s grasp, her body crouching over as she reached out, her hands brushing lightly over the ground for a moment or two before she found what she was looking for; gathering up the bag and hugging it close against her chest as she stood back up. The warmth of Raymond’s arms once more encircling her, holding her close against him as she felt his breath fanning out against her skin, his lips close to the shell of her ear as he spoke, doing what he could to be heard over the crowd, “..hey Juliette; what is that..? Looks like some kind of bag…” Biting down softly upon her lower lip, she shook her head, her long and wavy blonde locks brushing back and forth over her back before she lifted her attention up to where she could hear his voice… feel his gentle breathing… her arms pulling the bag closer in against her as she turned further into the safety of his chest, “..I don’t know… I don’t know what it is…”