Luke snickered and shook his head. "No, no, not [i]Bobba Jr.[/i] Bobba Senior," He clarified, "The boy's father, and a close personal friend of mine. He helped me establish this cave in the very beginning using his greatest invention, the earth bracelet. The very same invention that Bobba Jr. Stole, and tried to recreate inefficiently for all his men. Unfortunately, Bobba bit the dust a lot earlier than he should have. Heart attack, or a lung problem, we never really figured it out. Uh.." Luke paused and stared at the book in his hand vacantly for a few moments. A series of rapid blinks snapped him out of his stupor, and he continued. "Anyways, he gave this book to me a long time ago, kind of as a parting gift. [i]Find these treasures, fulfill my life's goal[/i] he said, and wouldn't you know, he wasn't duping me. We've found a lot of stuff he's catalogued in here, the real deal. Magical artifacts, treasure, historical documents, you name it. It's all upstairs in this very tower. Even that gun over is a result of his hard work," Luke said, pointing to the gun he carried earlier, which was now rested expertly against the edge of a wooden set of drawers. "It's powered by a Lymphia crystal, the last of its kind. They used to act as the hearts of Lightning golems, but now they're extinct. Gun shoots [i]literal lightning.[/i] Pretty nifty- But I'm getting off track.." Luke stopped and reached into his pants again, pulling out a small silver amulet with a blue bright white gem at its center. "We already found one."