"All of the boats are already gone," Riley said, peering out the window of the beach side shop they were hiding in. He was with Lucy and Steven, and they all just stayed low and quiet as they watched the massacre outside. Before long, the military was gone from the bridge, and everyone left behind was either dead or dying. The horde was too large to stay at the one place, and so, as the bombs dropped deeper into the city, they shuffled and spread out to the beach. From their angle, they could see the tavern that Dallen and the others were in. The trio made there way quickly and quietly to them, just before the horde surrounded the area. Ethan let them in, and immediately Lucy saw the body on the floor covered in a sheet. It was a small body, and her and Riley knew that it was Kelsey. Before words could be said, the bombs started rumbling closer. The military had begun dropping napalm into the streets, as it quickly filled up all in its pathway, scorching everything. "We can't stay here," Briggs said. "We make for the ocean, now!" Dallen was unmoved, simply kneeling over his daughter's lifeless body. Lucy and Riley came to him and tried to lift him up. "Come on, Dal," Riley said. "Don't give up, not yet." "Yo, if we don't go now, we'll be stuck here!" Ethan yelled, watching the doors as the dead pressed against them. Dallen nodded, got up, and grabbed the fire axe that was hanging on the wall. Ethan pulled the doors open, and Briggs shot the way through. The group ran past the undead and onto the sandy beach, heading toward the water. A jet flew by overhead, the napalm dropping immediately after. All of the buildings at sea side exploded, taking up the attention of the undead as the group jumped into the ocean. There they waited, and sunk in deep enough to avoid contact with the fires. Moments later it was done, and everything was on flames. The group stayed and stared up at the chaos, but their time was short spent as more walkers came toward them. These ones were slow, as they had trouble with the sand of the beach. "Do we swim to the other side?" Steven asked, coughing as he swallowed in sea water. The other side was no easy task, as it was miles away and daunting to even comprehend. "I don't know if I can make that," Riley added. "We have no choice," Briggs told them all. The dead were still after them, now entering the ocean with them but not being able to stay afloat. The undead would sink to the bottom, though they wouldn't stop in their pursuit. The group swam toward the other end.