Witching Hour, Part 2 [center][hider=Cast][img]http://i.imgur.com/YUMof41.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YrrXjyo.png[/img][/hider] [h3][i]Witching Hour, Part 2[/i][/h3][/center] [center][b]Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, The “Wyrdhouse” – Warehouse #475 Time: Following the Events of [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/143799-create-a-hero-a-superhero-rpg-season-2-new-horizons-always-open/ic?page=15#post-4204171]The Heist[/url][/b][/center] [hr] [color=MediumPurple][i]Marvelous . . .[/i][/color] Hekate looked in awe at the work of her witches. In just a few short months, she and the Five Families had been able to coordinate the organizational efforts of Barron’s original mage staff and create veritable works of art with his plethora of resources. This warehouse in particular, affectionately referred to as the “Wyrdhouse” by the mage staff due to its large collection of witching items and attending witches, was Hekate’s favorite. It housed a strikingly large collection of materials for witchcraft ranging from specialty herbs and reagents uncommon to the practices of other sorcerous folk to the personal journals, grimoires, and formularies of long dead witches of myth, not to mention a small fortune’s worth of magical trinkets crafted by those same witches. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]”It is a sight to behold, My Lady. Though I’m not surprised, you have always been an excellent leader.”[/i][/color] Medea expressed her adoration from behind, waltzing through the through the front entrance to the main floor, dressed in flowing, emerald garments that called back to renaissance dresses, with a modern twist, and auburn hair pulled into intricate braids, held in place by golden bands and circlets. [color=MediumPurple][i]”Medea, my love. How you flatter me,”[/i][/color] Hekate turned with great haste at the sound of Medea’s voice, drawing her in for a long embrace before kissing her twice on each cheek, [color=MediumPurple][i]”but you give me far too much credit. It was the cunning and intellect of the local Covens which brought all of this to fruition, and let us not forget our gracious host and his lovely wife for allowing us access to this rich foundry of knowledge and art.”[/i][/color] Medea’s expression turned sour at the mention of Barron. [color=CornflowerBlue][I]”I have been meaning to ask, if I may, of the exact nature of your contract with Mr. Vanderbilt. Why ask and deal for what you could gladly take? He has no power over you, and I doubt that even the strongest magician in his company could match your strength. Why . . .”[/i][/color] [color=MediumPurple][i]”Medea,”[/i][/color] Hekate interrupted, [color=MediumPurple][i]”you know as well as I that in the wake of a changing world, one must find new ways to go about one’s business undisturbed. A tenet of the witch is to be silent, is it not? Such hubris would surely lead to our downfall, regardless of the power of those with whom we contract.”[/i][/color] Medea bowed her head. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]”I am sorry, My Lady. I did not mean to speak out of turn.”[/i][/color] [color=MediumPurple][i]”Oh, my love, you have not offended me nor angered me with your inquiries. No, I encourage such discourse. It is wise to question the motives of those in charge, though I must remind you, I am not your superior nor your commander. As a witch, you are free to do as you wish. Think of me not as your leader, but as your patron; one who guides and keeps a watchful eye, who steers from danger, but who will respect your wishes and allow you to make the necessary mistakes.”[/i][/color] Medea and Hekate shared another embrace, Medea becoming slightly emotional from her lady’s wise words, wiping away her tears on an emerald, silken sleeve. [color=MediumPurple][i]”And besides,”[/i][/color] Hekate continued, [color=MediumPurple][i]”it is not a matter of whether I trust Barron. He is but a means to an end. I have done all that he has asked to ensure his peaceful cooperation, but I would be a fool to think that he was not, at this very moment, searching for ways to protect himself from me and my influence, or worse, ways to end me should he feel threatened. That is precisely why I have provided his wife with a bit of . . . misinformation.”[/i][/color] Hekate gave Medea a knowing grin. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]”How do you mean?”[/i][/color] [color=MediumPurple][i]”Well, Mrs. Vanderbilt came to me in search of a way to protect she and her husband from Greed, Broker. It would appear that he is attempting to form some sinister cabal of ne'er do wells and criminals for whatever reason. I showed her the recipe for a Mesopotamian Spirit Vessel and claimed that it could entrap the Broker’s essence, but of course, it cannot.”[/i][/color] Medea turned her head in pondering and, unable to come up with an answer, questioned Hekate further. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]”But why, My Lady? Surely this will damage Barron’s trust. Why place a wall between you two?”[/i][/color] [color=MediumPurple][i]”A lesson in greed,”[/i][/color] Hekate confidently replied. [color=MediumPurple][i]”Barron truly thinks he stands a chance against one such the Broker. He is arrogant and prone to fits and childish outbursts. This will certainly be his undoing. My simple yet tactful betrayal will, once discovered, show Barron that he cannot win in a battle against ancients. We are far more clever and skilled in the art of deception than he. If this damages his trust, so be it, but our contract doesn’t condemn strategic lies when they are needed.”[/i][/color] Medea gave Hekate a wicked grin, now fully informed and in tune with her lady’s plans. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]”How cunning you are, My Lady. Truly the wisest and greatest among us.”[/i][/color] [color=MediumPurple][i]”Oh, enough flattery,”[/i][/color] Hekate smiled playfully, taking Medea’s arm in hers and walking her around the warehouse, [color=MediumPurple][i]”and enough talk of Barron and his dreadful empire. Come, let us instead explore his treasures and see what we can’t find. Mrs. Vanderbilt gifted us the privilege of taking some of these trinkets for our own use.”[/i][/color] The two of them glided merrily about the warehouse, stopping and marveling at priceless artifacts from their days in Greece that had managed to surface once again, old world charms that had scarcely been seen since the days of early American settlers, and mystical tomes and manuscripts of varying ages. Their browsing was interrupted occasionally by a chatty witch or two, all of whom Hekate was more than pleased to accommodate, and the conspicuous glances of mage workers, some of whom looked at Hekate in awe, others in disgust and disdain of her and her craft, seeing it as a lesser discipline. They came to a far wall where pallets and trucks were filled with curious items that had yet to be organized or shipped out. One trinket caught Hekate’s eye, a small ornate box fashioned from ancient wood, worn carvings and embroidery snaking its edges. It felt familiar. Hekate picked up with wooden box, slightly larger than a normal jewelry box, and turned it over in her hands, listening for the rattle of its contents, but hearing nothing. She went to open the weathered latch, but stopped before touching the simple copper lock. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]”Is something wrong, My Lady?’[/i][/color] Medea asked, taking note of Hekate’s strange behavior. Hekate said nothing, instead recalling a memory of days prior. The box had an aura about it, something strong, something hidden. A spell had been placed in the box, the magic keeping its contents undisturbed reminiscent of the power she felt surging from the witch she had observed through the Graeae’s Eye. The two were linked. Hekate turned to a worker nearby, presenting him with the box. [color=MediumPurple][i]”Has this item been placed on your inventory list?”[/i][/color] The worker looked at her for a few moments, surprised that she had thought to ask him anything. He then removed a folder from a bag around his waist and searched its pages for an item matching the box’s description. “N-no ma’am,” he stuttered, “I don’t see it anywhere. Would you like me to add . . .” [color=MediumPurple][i]”That won’t be necessary,”[/i][/color] Hekate cut him off, handing the box over to Medea. [color=MediumPurple][i]”Please keep this with you until I ask for it again, and do not let your curiosity lead you to opening it. Will you do this for me, my love?”[/i][/color] Medea gave her a confused look, but nodded anyway. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]”Of course, My Lady.”[/i][/color] Hekate smiled, then turned back to the worker. [color=MediumPurple][i]”Thank you for your assistance, that will be all.”[/i][/color] He looked at her for a few moments, pondering whether or not he should take note of the box somewhere on his record. Then, after an impatient look from Hekate, decided to let it go and hastily walked in the opposite direction. Shortly thereafter, a tall, slender Elven woman and a fair witch came rushing into the warehouse. The mage workers started in their direction with the intent to stop them, but Hekate waved them away. These two obviously came with urgent news. “My Lady,” the frustrated witch began, dark hair falling in messy curls over her round, pale face. She was out of breath from her sprint to the warehouse. “I’ve just heard news of two separate attacks on Barron’s men, one in Maine a few days ago, and another a few miles from here last night.” [color=CornflowerBlue][i]”What has this to do with My Lady? Does not Barron have men of his own to deal with such disturbances?”[/i][/color] Medea spoke before Hekate could respond. The Elven maiden stepped forward, an ethereal glow emanating from her translucent wings. “We would not have come to you were it not for the presence of Fey magic in both cases, the likes of which rivaling some of the noble faerie sorcerers of the highest courts.” [color=MediumPurple][i]”I see . . .”[/i][/color] Hekate had not been tasked with keeping Barron’s men safe, not directly anyway. But with such powerful magic involved, the assailants could become a threat to her own self interests. [color=MediumPurple][i]”Have you any leads?”[/i][/color] The Elven maiden nodded. “A group of Sylphs under the agency of the Five Families intercepted a sprite working for the culprits. She identified herself as an affiliate of The Ambassador of the Fey, a French national who works in close proximity to the lower Fey courts in Europe.” Hekate nodded. She did not wish to disturb the Fair Folk or meddle in their affairs, though she assumed that even the lowest courts would have no cause to attack Barron’s men. If this Ambassador had gone rogue, she could be a threat to Barron in the future, and by extension, Hekate. [color=MediumPurple][i]”Has she been captured?”[/i][/color] “Our divinations and subsequent reports from survivors confirm that The Ambassador and others were held captive for a time, but managed to escape with a collection of magical reagents. The local Fey could likely lead you to her, assuming she’s still around.” [color=MediumPurple][i]”Well, we can’t have some faerie sorceress wandering about and meddling in our affairs. Medea, shall we pay this ‘Ambassador’ a visit?”[/i][/color] Medea nodded, a wicked grin streaming across her face. Hekate waved away her informants, took Medea’s arm, and away they flew in a torrent of black smoke to find the troublesome Ambassador.