[center][b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.picresize.com/images/2017/04/05/08xbK.png[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]- Bold - Caring - Optimistic - Impulsive -[/i] [b]Name:[/b] [i]- Kiana -[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]- 27 -[/i] [b]Origin:[/b] [i]- Kiana comes from a small city known simply as Twin River Pass, located between the two major affluents to the Lord's River. The town was originally structured as a circle, with the rivers being its tangents, but eventually the town grew larger and larger, and the expansion lead to a triangular city, with multiple bridges to both sides of the rivers and a huge fishing community. Kiana lived all of her life in that city, sometimes dreaming of travelling far and wide, and sometimes enjoying the place like there was nothing else. The first, though, only grew with the years, and after serving as a River Hand (the City Watch of Twin River Pass), she decided to follow the call for adventure, and eventually, at age 22, bid farewell to her parents. She constantly writes letters to them whenever she can find a time and a place. -[/i] [b]Life:[/b] [i]- When she left home to the adventure and the lands from faraway tales, she made her mind to live on her own. At the young age of 15, she had helped countles times to prepare dinners and foods; by 19, she could fully skin almost any animal, through and through, and was always on the lookout in the forest for some tasty animal. Her father had teached her how to use the bow and arrow, and had taught her the ins and outs of hunting. During her time as a River Hand, she became more and more proficient in cooking and in hunting, and all of those things come into play now that she's on the road. She typically hunts her own food, but can also strike up a deal with some inn or locals, teaching them recipes or providing them with fresh meat in exchange for a roof over her head. Most of the time she waits for morning to move out of the city once more, saying propper goodbyes to everyone she has come to talk, and asking for directions to cities or landmarks, to start the adventure once again. -[/i] [b]Talents:[/b] [i]- Hunting - - Acrobatics - - Survival expert - - Nature knowledge. -[/i] [b]Flaws:[/b] [i]- Homesick - - Doubtful -[/i] [b]Combat:[/b] [i]- Her time as a City Watch teached her everything she needs to know to get by, she has a masterful aim with the bow, and knows enough swordplay to defend herself, but is always on the lookout for opportunities to run and shoot. Though able to manage and intimidate people, she's never killed a man, and she thinks it's something too dire to do. -[/i] [/center]