[center] [h2][u]GRAB AND RUN[/u][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/NeeWKCw.png[/img] [img] http://i.imgur.com/ZnOpQuF.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LiQDDiW.png[/img] Location: Krispy Kreme Time: Evening (Midnight-1 am) [/center] [hr] A wolfed out Ben hung over Barron’s shoulder slept off his beating as he effortlessly carried the boy towards his home, rather than driving there and ruining his lush interior seats he opted to walk the way if one counted bounding from building to building walking. Upon landing on a roof destroying shingles as his feet came to a halt Barron took the time to pull his phone out. [color=cd0000]”Good news.”[/color] The Agency girl on the end sighed and looked at the caller ID. “Mr. Vanderbilt, what prey tell is good news tonight?” [color=cd0000]”I found your Teen Wolf. Had to knock him around a bit, that Alpha tried to put him under his sway with all that entails. Human wasn’t on the menu for this one.”[/color] “You found, our lost wolf? And how do you know it is ours?” [color=cd0000]”There’s four wolves in New York, it’s a boy and being hunted by it’s Alpha. How many more wolves can there be?”[/color] With another deep sigh the woman responded. “Fine, we’ll send an Agent your way, where are you?” Taking stock of his surroundings he noted that there was a giant Doughnut right to the side of him. Something he did see but hadn’t yet associated with any landmarks. [color=cd0000]”Over a Krispy Kreme. And the street is..”[/color] “Understood, an Agent has been dispatched, please don’t cause any more trouble.” Ben drifted in and out of consciously. Each jar of Barron’s bouncing figure from building to building jarred the aching fire in his very muscles, reaching to the broken bones causing him to wake. His muzzle crunched up and lifted his head upright. Gradually his vision started to unblur as he gained a sense of surroundings, the air reached his nose and immediately pulled his awareness into focus. The wolf growled with the sound rumbled deeply against his throat. His arms, only half healed, started to reach about and pressed against Barron’s back. Ben’s hind legs dig into Barron’s navel, blunt claws intending to grip, push up and hop over the elder vampire’s shoulder. He was intending to make it onto the roof’s solid foundation. The wolf pup struggled in vain as he tried to escape. [color=cd0000]”Hey now, who said you could go anywhere. I’m helping here.”[/color] With a quick flick of his wrist which to be honest was only for flair than an actual purpose blood wrapped itself around Ben and slammed him to the ground. [color=cd0000]”I’m taking you back home, or well to the nearest Agent even if they tend to be useless wastes of bodies. A Ghoul has a better chance of keeping track of you than those slack jawed dimwits.”[/color] Levitating Ben in his new restraints Barron smiled and continued on. [color=cd0000]”Trust me, you aren’t fully in control and as much as you hate me, I have nothing against you.”[/color] Ben yelped when he hit the ground, his head turned to avoid colliding with the roof, as his arms were jerked and wrapped about him. The blood pressed into his fur and began to form a jacket about his torso, his fur bristled in irritation. His shoulders shifted back and forth, his back paws trying to tear at the ‘fabric’ in order to get loose. Each move shifted him from where he made contact with the roof until Barron lifted him upright, holding him there in mid air. His back legs continued to scratch at the restraints as he growled. His lips curled and fangs revealed, ready to lash out and bit when Barron got closer. [i][color=chocolate] ‘You...hurt me. Threat and danger, I can’t trust you,’[/color][/i] Ben’s words pooled into Barron’s head, less disjointed than when he first transformed. However he still needed more time before his mind harmonized with his primal instincts. It was clear the pup associated Barron with pain and danger, bring only animosity toward the elder vampire. Rune had been driving around for a while. That was the thing about pretty much all tracking magic. It was unreliable and unclear. But damned if you do, damned if you didn’t. He had to try and find the young werewolf who Otto’s Agency contact claimed could sniff out magic. Make a right here! Rune yelled to Otto who swerved almost off the road in their haste. Runes head bounced against the ceiling and he swore. Ben was exactly what he needed however, so this was but a small sacrifice, his head that is. In fact, this was exactly what the world needed, if his hunch about Brokers plans was right.. Well, saying otto had a contact within the Agency was a bit misleading. The two men had nicked the radio of one by confused agent and was now listening into the conversation between one agent and a creature known as Barron. What they hadn’t counted on was the report of Barron, the malevolent and violent vampire. They came to halt just a few meters away from Barron and Ben, storming out of the car. Before Rune could speak, and possibly get them both killed with his usual bluntness, Otto spoke. “What do you think you are doing to the poor thing?” He affixed the kind of stern voice any child recoiled from. That of an authoritarian organisations absolute confidence. In this case, it was perfect for someone impersonating an Agent. “You put him down, right this minute Barron.” Otto continued, and Rune idly thought to himself that Otto was in the wrong business. He had some acting chops. [color=cd0000]”And just who are you? This poor thing is a young Pup not in control of his own thoughts let alone his body. Say I wasn’t here and instead a pretty blonde walked by there’d be a different tale to tell. But.”[/color] Unwrapping his bloody grip on the young wolf with a toss in the air. [color=cd0000]”If you insist.”[/color] The moment Ben felt himself tossed, he tried to catch himself. His arms reached out and touched the ground, the pads gripped the concrete. However, the moment weight was applied… they crumbled. They collapsed on themselves as his snout connected with the roof with a loud smack. Blood stained the rough gravel and a small, painful yelp escaped his chest into the air while his body skidded to a halt. Bone was sticking out of flesh, but that didn’t seem to register in the young pup as he tried to stand up again. His ears flickered and twitched, his nose scenting his own blood in his attempt to crawl away. He was already starting to heal again but with all the damage, it was slow going. And the young pup wasn’t helping himself much in his attempts to stand on all fours and run away. [color=#99ebff]“No need to be a dick.” [/color] Rune said as he slowly approached the hurt werewolf. Acutely aware that he could tear Runes head off. [color=#99ebff]“Easy there kiddo. You are in no shape of running”[/color] He helped Ben up. [color=#99ebff]"Lets just lead you to the car, I think I got some lyco-suppressant herbs somewhere on me, we can deal with your problem.”[/color] He whispered so only Ben could hear “We are friends, but we gotta get you out of here.” Ben sniffed, his nose flickered and caught the scent of magical that Rune produced. It was something new and interesting causing the werewolf to pause in his attempts to haul himself up. His tail flicked back and forth, eagerness in his posture as he leaned a bit against the older, drunken champion. The young pup let the man get him upright, through the pain threatened to distract him, and carefully navigate him toward the car. Otto stared Barron down as he spoke. “Alright. Thank you for your service Barron. The agency will keep an eye on Ben…” He began to back towards the car. By now, the fact that Otto had yet to produce a badge might ring some alarm bells in Barrons head. [color=cd0000]”Hey. Wait a minute here,”[/color] Barron said pondering. [color=cd0000]”I knew I forgot something.”[/color] Barron said following an intimidating stride over towards Otto. “Otto! Hulk time!” Rune yelled and just like that, they switched gears. Otto snarled as he went from human to massive wolf form much faster than a normal werewolf. With the intention of not letting Barron mount any sort of defense, the hexenwolf formed ball of lightning between his palms and rained down spears heaven's own light show around Barron. Forming a cage. [color=cd0000]”Well. I was not expecting this.”[/color] Barron said briefly recoiling as the mere touch burned his fingers. [color=cd0000]”Can I say not cool. While I must admit lack of credentials were a thought I had, I merely assumed you were busy. But this overreacting, I was only getting some healing salve. I’m not an ass and I wouldn’t bang up the kid unless I had something to treat him with.”[/color] “...Toss it to me” Otto stared. A bit dumbfounded. Pulling the jar out of his pocket, Barron gave it some airtime as it flew towards Otto.[color=cd0000]”It’s good stuff, I should know I had a talented Alchemist make it. Not a panacea but it’ll heal a wolf up right quick. Next time we meet though I’m kicking your ass.” [/color] “Next time we meet, Vampire, Rune and I will bring ashwood and have us a stakeout. And how about you just try NOT to beat up people. Period?” Then he began running towards the car. “Go. Before the actual agents come.” He yelled to Rune who helped Ben into the car. By the time the car pulled away, the light cage had flickered out existence. Rune leaned out the window. [color=#99ebff] “Thanks for the werewolf, sucker!”[/color] Pointing angrily at the car that pulled out of sight. [color=cd0000]”See. Double standards right there! First you call me a dick then you call me a sucker what a dick move.”[/color] Walking away from where the cage was Barron held up his hand forming a compass of blood. [color=cd0000]”And yet I can track that Pup anywhere in this city. Who’s the sucker now! Let’s hope you leave quickly before I finish changing, who knows maybe I’ll make up my mind to follow you. For now.”[/color] Barron said pulling at his suit. [color=cd0000]I think I’ll wear the black one.”[/color]