Checking in. This is a WIP, but I wanted to get some feedback on, well, mostly the backstory. [hider=Edmund McCormac] Name: Edmund Mitchell McCormac Gender: Male Age: 28 Appearance: Likes: Exploration, music, feeling important Dislikes: Staying in one spot, being underground, feeling unnecessary, “all-business” types Personality: Edmund is a bit of a cynist. The way he sees it, a pessimist is either always right, or pleasantly surprised. He hopes, sure, but he understands that false hope can be unhealthy. “Expect the worst, hope for the best” is an old saying, but a true one. That isn’t to say that he’s a grumpy old fatalist. Far from it, in fact. His sense of humor might be a tad too sardonic for some folks, but he’ll joke until he’s dead, the way he figures. Reverence and solemnity are boring too him. He loves joking around with friends. Speaking of friends, he cares deeply for those he calls his friends, even if he’d never admit it. [i]Ever.[/i] He’s also a bit of a wanderer. Staying in one place for too long unnerves him. If he had it his way, he’d be on the move his whole life. Background: Edmund was born in Mutare, though to him, that means very little. His parents were mercenaries, and he was most definitely an accident. To their credit, they loved him as they would love a wanted child, but to say that he didn’t complicate their already-complicated lives would be a lie. As a child, he traveled with them, learning the ways of war as he grew. He could proficiently wield a sword by age ten, and fire a gun by age eleven. He knew, from a somewhat early age, that he was magically inclined. With no teacher to help him understand the fundamentals of magic, Edmund directed his power towards what felt natural. As a mercenary, weapons and medicine were always needed, so he taught himself to conjure and to heal. He later found out this made him an Artillery Healer. He also found out that meant his magic was mostly of aether and light, but like “Artillery Healer”, they were meaningless words. Having already progressed as far as he has without proper application of magical training, he’s reached his limit. At age sixteen, his parents met the end that typically befalls lifelong mercenaries, dying on the battlefield. Without their leadership, the mercenary band dissolved, and he was left with nothing but his mother’s pistol. Combat and healing were his only marketable songs, and it wasn’t long before he found himself in the employ of Untiatis’s greatest warmonger, Iustitia. He fought, and he killed, but he soon felt purposeless and bored. When he turned 18, he defected to Fortitudo and enlisted as an honest-to-god soldier. He hated it, but he couldn’t exactly leave. Desertion was a crime, after all. So he stuck with it, and he was good at it. Very good. He slowly, but surely rose through the ranks, and came to lead a unit in battle. Eventually, his prowess for physical combat came to the attention of King Leon, who was looking for someone to train his son in the ways of traditional combat. Initially, he resented it. Teaching, while being cooped up in the capital was practically his idea of hell, but he soon grew to care for the prince. Besides, it paid a helluva lot better than soldiering. This newfound enthusiasm was short-lived, however. He had grown to see Adam as a sort of pseudo-younger-brother, but staying in the capital was killing him. He had been contemplating desertion, before this sojourn to meet Eliana came as a godsend. Weapons/Tools:[list][*][i][url=]Inheritence[/url][/i]: The pistol that belonged to his mother. Not magical in any fashion, but solid and dependable.[/list] Magic:[list][*]Artillery magic: Edmund is extremely skilled at conjuring weapons and tools, and, having dedicated most of his life to furthering the art, is capable of conjuring almost any weapon. Weapons that he’s more familiar with can be sustained for longer amounts of time. -[/list] Other Items: Other Info: [/hider]