[b]Plot[/b] You are at a theme park called 'Youtopia' (and yes, you think that name is the worst, lol) where every zone is themed by time periods in history: Prehistoric Valley, Medieval Parc, Mount Future,... Everything seems pretty normal at first but soon you find out that Youtupia has something magical but also very creepy about it. Luckily for you, you feel quite magical yourself (yeay, superpowers!) that will help you defend against the threats. [b]Character sheet[/b] Name: Ability: Appearance: Personality: Background: [b]My character[/b] Name: Alec Drogen Ability: quantum phasing (incorporeal form) Appearance: Semi-long darkblond hair, sapphire-blue eyes, buttoned black shirt on grey pants Personality: Energetic, creative and cheerful but also impulsive and reckless Background: No one knows this but Alec had a rough childhood and was very bitter for many years. At a certain point something happened (I'll keep this a secret for now) that changed him into the positive person he is today. If you meet him now, you'd never guess that he used to be any different than what you see. Alec has a job at Youtopia as an event planner. He has an assistant robot called Alice who follows him around and usually stresses about his impulsive behavior, as Alice is programmed to be logical and calm.