She did in fact feel better today, in the sort of way that Ona tended to be better or worse... she was pleased with her personal appearance, and thus pleased with the attention that she received from others. The glances, the whispers, the sneers, and even the grab simply made her feel invincible. Somehow even on days like these the reflection that she saw in the mirror was never quite true to who she was. Her elegance and perfection today made her self-imposed image taller and stronger. She easily ignored the lines of her ribs that shone slightly through the leatherette of her too tight dress, and the hallow that continued to grow in her cheeks. Her eating habits had grown particularly harsh as of late, often leaving her to go several days without eating anything and consuming only the sludge that the office called coffee. The caffeine kept her up, but she was withering away to anyone who cared to truly see. Today, having eaten breakfast she was slightly brighter and more lively. Of course, instead of attributing it to the food, she would merely see it as positivity gained from the continued pursuit of beautification. Once inside the office, Ona's attention drew away from herself and became immersed in her work. Today, they needed to enter the data from all of the interviews that were conducted yesterday, carefully analyze all of the results, and produce their reports which ultimately gave the individuals ratings on different qualities such as socialization, employ-ability, and longevity. These ratings were then passed on to further reviewers for any individuals who scored high enough to qualify for a second interview. It was a detail oriented, pain-staking process... but it had to be done, and Ona and Jules were the ones who did it. When he burst through the door in the nick of time, his humid, rushed, sickly aura came with him. Ona couldn't help but turn to him with a scowl on her face initially. She hoped that it wouldn't rub off on her and ruin the perfection she'd worked so hard to achieve. [color=bc8dbf]"Good morning..."[/color] she eyed him momentarily, hoping that her scowl softened as she worked through the truth that was her only friend sitting before her. [color=bc8dbf]"You know... green and purple really don't go together. They make you look sick..."[/color] She raised her hand, sliding her middle finger up the side of her cheek bone to her temple momentarily applying pressure before turning her attention away to the stack of folders on her desk. [color=bc8dbf]"I've already started. Here... we'll split them. You take this half."[/color] She split the pile more in one-third to two third proportions, holding out the smaller stack to him while the larger stack stayed settled in it's place. [color=bc8dbf]"We need to get these done and submit so they can start second round call backs."[/color]