[h2]Students[/h2][hr] [hider=Jun-Sang Kim]Name: Jun-Sang Kim Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Jun-Sang is the very definition of a hard worker, which was due in part due to his Korean heritage. Jun-Sang is almost too hard of a worker, eschewing other things like sports, games and other such things. This also makes him not the friendliest person to be around; while he isn't opposed to social interaction, he doesn't have much in common with others, other than of course fellow studyholics. Jun-Sang is smart, and knows he's smart, and sometimes, that comes off as condescending, or giving an air of superiority. This isn't his intention, but merely a side effect of the way he perceives himself and others. He does try to be generally kind and helpful to others, but the way he composes himself while he does so may put some others off. Backstory: The work ethic in South Korea is tough, and Jun-Sang experienced that firsthand. His parents constantly pushed him to do well in school, and so he didn't really have much time for leisure activities. Instead, he studied, and studied, and studied. Jun-Sang didn't really mind, though. Unlike his peers, Jun-Sang actually enjoyed studying. He enjoyed learning new things and applying what he learned in his everyday life. And so he went through his early life, not having that many friends but not really caring about it, either. Jun-Sang's abilities manifested when he was 14. His parents were thrilled that their son had this ability within him. At first, Jun-Sang disagreed with their parents' outlook. This was just something that took time away from studying. But his parents managed to convince him by stating that this was just something new to study. When he thought of it that way, Jun-Sang was at least willing to give it a try. This is Jun-Sang's third year at the Institute, and although he doesn't have that many friends, he is popular with fellow academics, and lots of younger students look up to him as a tutor. He's on good terms with many of the teachers as well. Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/zjcsHvI.jpg]"No, no, you add the powers, you don't multiply them."[/url] Equipment: Jun-Sang carries various small items on him at all times; his current collection consists of one six-sided die, one 20-sided die, three large ball bearings, and two small polished stones. As well as being fidget toys, Jun-Sang uses them in conjunction with his powers. Abilities: Jun-Sang is incredibly smart, and has thorough knowledge of math, chemistry, physics, and electrical circuits. He is also an excellent teacher, being able to explain concepts in ways that others can easily understand. Channeller category: Alternative Description of power: Jun-Sang can alter the density of objects, increasing or decreasing the mass of an object without affecting the volume. Having been at the institute for the three years, this ability has an effective range of about 5 metres, meaning that he can affect the density of an object mid-flight. However, this requires Jun-Sang to focus on the target object for a moment, which causes a short delay between intent and activation, and breaking that focus will detriment his ability to affect the target object. In his current state, he can't decrease the density of an object while increasing the density of another object. The volume of the target object and the amount he can change the density by are inversely proportional to each other; the larger the object, the less he can affect its density. Jun-Sang can choose to affect only part of an object. In this case, the volume of the part is factored into how much he can affect it. Names/descriptions of moves: Impact Point: Jun-Sang increases the density of a particular point on his body, making it so that anything or anyone that hits it feel like they just hit a brick wall. Catch.: Jun-Sang throws an object, increasing the density of it as it leaves his hand. This results in the object hitting with a lot more force than expected. Rain of Pain: Jun-Sang throws a bunch of objects in a high arc, again increasing the density of the objects as they leave his hand. These objects then fall to the ground, pummeling anyone unlucky enough to get caught underneath them. Lighten Up: Jun-Sang decreases the density of an incoming object, reducing the force of the impact. [FUTURE MOVES] Fortress: Jun-Sang increases the density of his entire body, becoming impervious to physical damage, and enabling him to hit like a truck. Next Level Jesus: Jun-Sang decreases the density of his entire body to the point where he can float on water, or become lighter than air. With a little bit of manipulation, Jun-Sang can walk on water and even fly.[/hider] [hider=Ryousei Aoyama]Name: Ryousei Aoyama Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: The first thing that must be said Ryousei is that he likes girls. A lot. Like... [i]A LOT[/i]. With that out of the way... Ryousei is brash, but friendly. Always wanting to get a laugh or at least a smile out of people, he makes a lot of jokes, and is overly friendly. He doesn't have a verbal filter, which may cause some people to avoid him, but he always means the best. Ryousei has a tendency to butt into other people's business, especially if those people look like they need help. Ryousei isn't particularly serious about anything, with one exception: kendo. Ryousei is proud of his swordsmanship, so insulting that is probably one of the few ways to get on his bad side. Backstory: Ryousei is the son of a regionally famous kendouka, and from an early age he's been interested in kendo. With an instructor right in his household, Ryousei began training early on in his childhood, honing his kendo skills. As he grew older, he began to study other forms of swordsmanship. He knew that as great kendo was, it wasn't everything, so he studied other forms of swordsmanship. His father didn't exactly approve of this, so Ryousei had to study these other forms in secret. During this time period, other interests began to take hold. Ryousei is a huge fan of video games and electronic music. Ryousei's ability manifesting was a dream come true, though his father didn't think so. His mother came through for him then, stating that Ryousei was a grown boy, and this was a great opportunity for him to take his natural talent to the next level. His father, although still not a hundred percent on board, relented, and Ryousei was whisked off to the institute. Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/xhR9hIA.png]"Hey, hey, watch this move!"[/url] Equipment: A shinai. Abilities: Ryousei excels at kendo, and has been studying other forms of swordsmanship. Although he is not as good at those other forms of swordplay, he is competent enough to put what he's learned into practice. Channeller category: Architect Description of power: Ryousei can manifest blades of all types. Though he would prefer to manifest swords, he is also capable of manifesting other blades, such as daggers and spears. He can summon one large blade or two small blades at a time. Names/descriptions of moves: Yuurei: A katana. Terremoto: A large, wide broadsword. Pergélisol: A rapier. [FUTURE MOVES] Höllenfeuer: A flamberge. Lux and Tenebra: A pair of daggers. Thýella: A two-handed spear.[/hider] [hider=Rumi Kataoka]Name: Rumi Kataoka Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Rumi is incredibly laid back; it is incredibly hard to get her worked up. She takes life at her own page, not really caring about what other people think of her and not worrying about anything, big or small. Rumi is also absent-minded, often lost in her own thoughts and frequently actually getting lost. Sometimes, Rumi can get so lost in her own thoughts that getting her attention would take about as much effort as waking a heavy sleeper. Her absent-minded, laid back nature makes her hard to hate. Rumi is also creative, and usually spends her free time sketching. Good luck getting her attention if she's focussed on her work. Backstory: Rumi's life was incredibly average, and nothing really to write about. She was born to average parents, grew up in an average household with average siblings. She went to an average school and had average friends. She's had one average boyfriend and they broke up after an average amount of time. So, yeah, her life was a riot. Rumi's power didn't manifest until she was 17, and it took a while for anyone to realize what her power did. As soon as someone figured out the nature of her power, her family was pestered endlessly about having her enrolled in the Institute. Her power was, after all, useless without other people with powers. Her parents deferred the decision to her. She accepted, because hey, what's the worst that could happen? Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/gq5Odtk.jpg]"...Huh? Sorry, didja say somethin'?"[/url] Equipment: Her sketchbook. Abilities: Rumi is quite skilled at drawing, stemming from her lifetime of sketching. Channeller category: Alternative Description of power: By maintaining physical contact with another person with a power, she can store that person's energy and amplify it. As long as she and her target remain contacted, the target's energy output becomes more than its normal level. This generally manifested as an increase in an ability's raw power, and does not affect the target's competence in manipulating their energy. For example, she can make a firecaster's flames hotter and brighter, but she cannot make that firecaster control said fire better. Names/descriptions of moves: Amplification: Amplifies the energy output to a target. Currently running at 120%. Feedback: By breaking the contact prematurely, before the target stops channeling energy to her, Rumi can output the surplus energy inside her, allowing her to use that target's powers until they are depleted. Currently running at 20%. This process can be extremely painful for Rumi, depending on the type of energy inside her.[/hider]