[b]Name:[/b] German Empire, Erika von Brandenburg [img]http://oi64.tinypic.com/2v0inud.jpg[/img] [b]Allegiance:[/b] Central Power [b]Personality:[/b] Germany is one of the youngest nation in Europe after it spawned from Prussia, getting strong from feeding from what was left of the Holy Roman Empire after France kicked the whole rotten thing down during the Napoleonic Wars. As such, she is eager to live up to the mighty legacy of its ancestors and add on to it, succeeding where the HRE failed and become a new Rome, Emperor of the World by birthright! Still, as a nation born in the middle of war and raised by Prussia, this makes Erika rather... agressive. Oh, the others like to paint her as a total psycho which is... partially true, fact is she's actually more grounded in reality than others. She doesn't fight for honor, a legacy or ideology, but rather to achieve total victory and as such, she's quite rational and able to be negotiated with, providing you can place her in a position where negotiation is an easier option than just taking what she wants by force. [b]Likes:[/b] Real leather jackboots, people complimenting and pampering her, winning at everything, beating up her old bullies, Großdeutschland, Lebensraum. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Being told she lacks experience, status quo, France's army, Britain's navy, Russia's manpower, Kleindeutschland. [b]Special Talent:[/b] Military Innovation: Its understandable, other nations have been there for long so in war, they have 'their thing', the tactic that defines them. Germany is young and hasn't quite found what satisfies her yet. Something fast, but also armored with a big gun maybe? Bah, until then Erika will surprise her enemies at every turn with new innovations! [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -My way or the highway: Erika isn't a team player and she certainly isn't anyone's subordinate. Stubborn as hell, either things will go the way she says or she'll pout until she gets her way. -Flatterers: Germany is overeager to see people groveling to her, complimenting its righteous might and incredible culture! As such when someone actually bends the knee to butter her up without having force them, Erika can't get enough of it. [b]Familial Relationships:[/b] -Austria: They call the two of them brother and sister, but the truth is Austria is Germany's uncle, one who should have shut up, died and joined a Großdeutschland! Erika is still mad that Austria is still a thing and finds his wife is a total bitch at that. She really feels the need to force him on his knees and under her orders. -France: Distant relatives, its... complicated. Since France formed the Rhine Confederation that formed the basis of a united German nation, France is partly Germany's adoptive mom but she and dad (Prussia) hated each other's guts. Really, Erika considers France to be an old nemesis that she's over with after she trashed it in 1870, but its always fun to bully France just out of spite for the whole Napoleon thing. -Italy: The Holy Roman Empire adopted Italy's grand-dad's name because it was badass so now Germans act like if they are part of Italy's family even if they have nothing to do with it. In Erika's mind, Italy's just another lackey to command around like Austria. [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://youtu.be/UX_l2InVI5c?t=7s]EEEEEEEEEEEERRRIIIKAAAAAAAAA!!![/url]