[@silentmusician] 1x1's make me have to rely on only one person instead of five or more. The likelihood of a 1x1 roleplay dying due to inactivity is much less than the likelihood of a group RP dying. On a more personal level, 1x1's allow me to express myself more as a writer; As I'm building something with one other individual, instead of building something myself as a GM, or trying to obey a GM and live by her/his restrictions. It allows for much more creativity and progression than either an RP that moves too fast due to a few people being complete dicks, or a few people not posting at all due to being complete dicks. Of course, 1x1's die too; Though most end on neutral terms rather than as a complete disaster; There's the people that ditch silently, but unlike Groups, you can just not interact with them again; In a group, even if you know you have someone with a bad history, you have to deal with them because the GM either is too desperate for players to care, or just considers you pessimistic. And if you try to ignore them in character, you'll just get insulted more and booted away, or if you're lucky, the other person will leave. But it's not truly lucky because it fucks up the group's motivation anyways. Lose lose, so to speak. Not to say I haven't left my fair share of Group RP's, though; But I'm open about it and explain why. I'm not just like "lol imma go post here and not here, fuck u fgt" like a good majority of the people who cause roleplay problems; I try and explain myself, and always make it clear that if I'm unable to be motivated to write my best, it's better to not have me. I've spent years with some 1x1 partners but never have I been in an active group for more than two months. I'm probably just extremely unlucky, but regardless of luck that's just the case for me. 1x1's have always been there for me; I've met some really cool people through them, and they are much more flexible to my adult schedule. Unlike quite a few group RP's which are ran by people who have nothing better to do than post on the site all day. (Which isn't a problem; I just can't manage with those people, because I have other obligations to my boyfriend and close family.) Sooo, that's my take on it. ye.