[quote=@Kenaron] Also, isn't this thread for bitching? I thought it was for bitching. [/quote] Well, people randomly ask shit that confuses them, for one reason or another. Most of the angrier and more advanced roleplayers drop into this thread from time to time, so you can actually find some really good advice in here you wouldn't get elsewhere. If you look through some of the pages, there's actually useful shit in here. Like the fact you can stalk those cowards who hide their online/offline status by friending them... A useful tool for both 1x1's and groups. [sub]Been using that since the friend system was added. Literally it's only use is to stalk people.[/sub] Thanks for reminding me to bitch, however. Fuck the fact that people feel the need to get involved with something regardless of the fact if they have any action inspiration for it or not. The idea of joining an RP and not having an idea you'd like to carry out is retarded: You're asking to simply get bored of whatever you manage to put together to appease the GM, only to get bored quick and drop out. If you are going to join an RP, with people who are committed to an RP that is planned to be long term, don't be a fucking piece of shit. If you are going to be someone who has a short attention span and just hops around like a whore goes around; Find RP's like that. Drop-in Drop-out RP's exist on the site; And while that in itself is fucking stupid, it's there to appeal to those who would otherwise ruin a story for some other nerds like me who'd like to actually see something through. As a GM and Player, I've had the frustrations of dealing with a shitty playerbase. I've also had real life issues kick in and ruin everything, but that's not what I'm bitching about. I'm mad at the people who [b]intentionally do this shit.[/b] You intentionally join, do your stupid stunt, then fuck off without a care. The shit that went on a few pages back about expecting RP's to die and that's the way it should be; That we should just get over it? That's the out look of someone who's in it for the moment. Some of us, at least I can speak for myself, aren't just prissy little momentary roleplayers. We're writers who actually deeply enjoy developing characters and investing ourselves into our hobby. And when you come along, with your mindset, and purposefully fuck that up for people? You're being the biggest piece of shit imaginable. I've been trying to get back into groups recently, and between my creativity being shattered and lack of freedom to write being apparent, it furthers my appeal of 1x1's. A lot of things are just going down the shitter. A lot if it is simply due to misinformation and lack of explanation before starting, too. But bitching about that is a whole other thing, I don't even wanna go into that right now. There. There's some fucking bitching. [b]Now fucking stop it RPGuild. Stop it. [sub]*slap*[/sub][/b]