[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] and [color=DarkMagenta]Demetra Rode[/color] - Corridor[/h2] Sapphire looked down when Oswald told Demetra that her older sister had been a good friend to him. Sapphire didn't feel altogether like she'd done anything particularly right since coming to Beacon. Sure it had only been two weeks and as far as academics were concerned she was in decent shape but the problems with her team in that short time felt like they were brewing into a storm that would hit sooner rather than later. Perhaps in comparison to that she had been decent to Oswald though. There night on the town had after all been relatively enjoyable. [color=0054a6]"Do you want to go after her?"[/color] Sapphire asked motioning to were Diamond had disappeared. [color=0054a6]"Seemed like the two of your were in the middle of something."[/color] She moved behind Oswald's wheelchair and began to push him in the general direction of the gymnasium. If he had somewhere specific he wanted to go she figured he'd tell her. If not it probably wouldn't hurt Oswald to be around other people. His last mission hadn't gone too well, he could do with something to take his mind off it. As they walked Demetra followed almost despondently beside Oswald's chair. She followed with as little movement as physically possible and he eyes seemed to wash over her surroundings without focusing on anything. Worried that Demetra might be overwhelmed with the number of feelings around her Sapphire tried to make that burden slightly easier. She centered herself in her mind and focused on letting everything fall away, letting her emotions even out and dissipate, leaving only cold thought behind. [color=DarkMagenta]"Don't."[/color] Demetra said it so quietly Sapphire almost didn't hear. [color=0054a6]"Sorry?"[/color] [color=DarkMagenta]"Don't do that for me. You've got enough going on without having to keep yourself disconnected. Besides,"[/color] she said with a slight smile turning to look at Sapphire. [color=DarkMagenta]"It's nice to know you worry about me."[/color] Sapphire smiled almost sweetly. [color=0054a6]"Always."[/color] [color=DarkMagenta]"Oswald,"[/color] Demetra said suddenly. Sapphire started a bit. Concentrated as she was on her little sister Sapphire had almost forgotten the other huntsman was there despite the fact that she was pushing his wheelchair. [color=DarkMagenta]"Look ahead, not behind. You can't change what's been. Whatever you did or failed to do..."[/color] She trailed off [color=DarkMagenta]"No one gains from living in the past. You can learn from your mistakes, let them drive you to do better but if you can't let them go, if you keep living in that place of loss all you will find is loss and you'll suffer for it."[/color] Sapphire closed her eyes waiting for Demetra to finish. She hated it when she spoke that way, like a much much older girl, someone who'd seen far too much and wanted to help others avoid her mistakes. Sapphire did her best to shut out what Demetra had said because whatever insights Demetra gained from people (especially ones like she was speaking of now) Sapphire felt as though she was intruding on a private moment. Still she couldn't help but wonder if Demetra was talking about Oswald's recent mission or something much deeper from his past. [@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN]