[@Ariamis] Yes she is, I got a bit fancy with the discriptions [quote=@Shifter_Master] [u][b]+Magical Overload-[/b][/u]: Half a blessing, Granted to only one of Laat’AlOfan’s girls, dubbed his Chosen, it grants His Chosen with greater Physical might at the cost of overt magical skill[b](Redirected Magic)[/b], and the radiance of a multifaceted soul[b](Second specialization)[/b]. [u][b]-Monstrous Form+[/b][/u]: Half a curse, this is the cost of being His Chosen, A body that reflects a twisted mockery of its soul[b](None standard limbs)[/b], and the unending urge to rip and tear[b](Destroyer)[/b]. A need as real as food or water, grafted permanently to His Chosen’s mind. [/quote] That is what her mutations are