Well it looks like Duthguy isn't interested anymore. Luckily his character was literally as close to being killed as possible. Still though, a Reboot is the most likely option. However, given the limited interaction, I don't know if this would be usable. However, I could do kinda what Fusion/Xros Wars did. Instead of just being thrown into the chaos right off the bat, they have some kind of preminition, strange things start happening around them, a strange device falls from the sky, and then they get tossed into the Digital World. But this time, instead of getting dropped in a hostile sector or friendly sector, they'll be dropped in (probably the only one in the digital world) a neutral zone where they'll meet their partners. Also that way, if there's anything you want to change about your characters, you'd be able to do it. I'll be a bit less restrictive this time since we have a decent group, but the basic premise of the RP will remain the same.