[color=8493ca][center][h3]Rachel Holt[/h3][/center][/color] You know what this sounded like? This sounded incredibly tiring, that's what this sounded like. Rachel wasn't a fan of heavy physical exertion beyond a bit of lifting to get computer parts in their proper place, and that was not extreme physical activity at all. The brunette yawned, resting her chin on the top of Impmon's head as the two digimon continued to speak. She wasn't a hero, and she really didn't want to do any heroics. She was more...neutral evil? Yeah, she was pretty sure she wasn't hero material. Eh. Still, maybe if she got paid this would be worth it. When it was her turn to be hugged, Rachel hardly reacted, but Impon ended up sandwiched between the two of them in quite the comical fashion. When the two of them were released, the small digimon managed to finally get free and take a few cautionary steps away from Rachel. Questions, eh? [color=8493ca]"Maybe."[/color] Rachel said, in reply to Vivian's question. For the most part, he had asked pretty much all the important info she would have wanted to ask. Well, save for one. [color=8493ca]"...what if we don't want to do this?"[/color] Rachel asked, tilting her head to the side. She had mixed feelings about all of this, honestly.