Nalia crouched in disbelief at what Kleinfeld said. [color=a187be]"Take the shot, Damien!"[/color] She hissed under her breath. Here they had an opportunity to nip the violence in the bud, to protect Lieze and Theon from getting in harm's way. If they let Merrick go, then fighting was guaranteed. Seeing Damien stop, Nalia raised her rifle, pointing it at the king. As she took aim, her arms shook as the thump of rushing blood filled her ears. [color=ffff00]"Are you going to kill him?"[/color] Theon asked innocently, grabbing Nalia by the sleeve, shattering her resolve. Too many thoughts rushed through her head: could she kill in front of Theon? What example was she setting for him? Would he be traumatized for life? The moment slipped past, King Merrick moved out of sight. Nalia lowered her rifle, cursing herself. [color=a187be][i]We follow the plan. We get the gundams. We leave.[/i][/color]