[quote=@Crimmy] Depending on whether or not they are definitely in for this, Emperor might or might not be taken, but Magician's in the clear. [/quote] Eh, it's a bit of a work in progress, though I may have made some minor changes to the format of your app... one of which is that I need to figure out if a specific weapon can be utilized or not. Here's what I currently have (note, don't expect him to be Japanese). [hider=Alexander Furst][center][h3][u][b]Profile[/b][/u][/h3][img]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i317/seanlover911_photos/rp/655218fb97d80725bcb4b71c2725650a6da8b569.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Alexander Furst [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Arcana:[/b] Emperor [b]Appearance:[/b] Alexander is a lean, mean, somewhat muscle and irritable machine that stands broadly up at a height of 187 cm, and weighs about 75.75 kg. This guy is usually seen will dull, despondent, very dark brown eyes that could be comparable to dead coals. Often, there is seldom a smile on his face as it's either dominated by either a frown or scowl, followed by furrowed brows. While it is difficult to see, Alex does have a bit of a tan with nearly indistinguishable tan lines at his waistline. Along with that, he has short, jet black hair that is somewhat messy. His casual duds consists of a black jacket with a fur trimming around the collar. It's customized with a red bandana wrapped around the upper arm, though to Alex, he says it's just there to hide the tear on it. Along with that, other than his usually dreary colors of black shoes and pants, the guy sports a white shirt and very sparingly wears a red time. Sometimes he switches between the tie and jacket, wear both, or neither at all. [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Skills:[/b] [list]- Amateur Author: Alexander can be very... secretive when it comes to his notebooks he carries around, more so on the stuff he writes in that don't pertain to notes. These are usually filled with fanfictions, stories, and even a little bit of smut. - Ballin': For the younger part of his life and onward, Alexander has played basketball with his friends, as well as for his middle school team. Though, ever since he moved out of the States, Alex is a little out of practice. - Do You Even Lift: During his time in Japan, Alex has made sure to keep himself in top condition, even with the expectations set by his mother and father. He isn't doing this to have a brand spankin' body, he just wants to stay healthy. - Sketchy: He probably inherited this from his father's side, but Alex has somewhat of a penchant for drawing. While he isn't adept at paints and such, his talent lies more towards pencils - sketching, hatching, shading, whatnot. - Take Aim: Before moving to Japan, whenever Alexander's mother had time to spare, she would take the young man to a shooting range. While she usually did it to alleviate stress, when he was brought in, Alexander found another source of entertainment... and became a fairly proficient shooter. Though, like his talents in basketball, they have waned ever since he moved to Japan.[/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] [list]- Notebook - Pencils - Water Bottles - Cellphone - Wallet[/list] [b]Weapons:[/b] (Expandable) Baton [hr][center][h3][u][b]Persona[/b][/u][/h3][img]http://www.greek-mythology-pantheon.com/wp-content/uploads/Greek_Gods_and_Goddesses/Ares_Mars_Greek_God/Ares_Mars_Greek_God_Art_02_by_peterprime.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Alexander [b]Traits:[/b] [list]- Reflects: Nil - Absorbs: Nil - Void: Nil - Resist: Nil - Weak: Nil[/list] [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] [list]- Cleave: Deal light physical damage to one enemy. - Zio: Deal light electric damage to one enemy. - Rakunda: Lower an enemy's defense for three turns.[/list][/hider]