Interacting with: [@ladyanglaise] [@mskennedy615] Arra arrived on campus just as the bell rang. She sighed heavily to herself. Guess she wasn't bringing her bag and Bo to her dorm first. She crumpled the piece of paper that read Co-Ed Dorm 13 and shoved it back into her pant pocket. She got to home room just as the professor did. Quickly sliding into the first empty seat that she saw three rows down. Putting her bag and Bo next to her. She sat quietly as he passed around their schedules. Glancing at it to find out what would be first. [i]Combat and power control.[/i] That at least made her smile. She lived for a good fight. Her days would start out good. When the next bell rang she was ready to jump out of her seat and head to training. Eagerness in her steps. She arrived in the training area to see the teacher surveying all the students that wandered in. She didn't have to fake the smile that came to her face. He was gorgeous. Arra mumbled a good morning to the professor before moving to be with the other students. [i]This was going to be fun[/i] She thought to herself.