[h2][center]Oswald Connoly- Corridor[/center][/h2] Oswald shook his head as his answer to Sapphire's question. "Honestly, I'm not quite sure my presence would be a good thing for my teammates right now. Cobalt...isn't going to be continuing his education at Beacon, and it's left us quite frustrated. I know Diamond's at least as upset as I am about it, and I feel like the two of us would just end up feeding into each other." It was a bit frustrating to be so off-center, but constantly trying to suppress everything he felt hadn't gotten Oswald far in the past. It was probably better to at least let himself [i]feel[/i] this right now, even if he was doing his best not to let it take control of him. He didn't notice Demetra and Sapphire's near-silent conversation, content to take a moment of silence and relax, before the young girl said something shockingly insightful. "That's...a very mature viewpoint to take. I've found that it's quite a bit easier said than done, unfortunately, but it's certainly something worth keeping in mind." Pausing for a moment to collect his thoughts, Oswald turned to Demetra and gave her a small smile. "Has your sister been telling you all about little old me? I'm flattered." He even chuckled for a moment before the inevitable coughing that came when he lost control of his breathing. [i]So much for feeling better....[/i] [@Prince of Seraphs]