meow the oddest creature you'll ever find right here. queen of my own twisted reality. recently realized I need to get back in my own head and that maybe going back to writing would release some of my anxiety. I love anything creative and strange. I don't like to meticulously plan out role plays, I'd prefer to start with a general idea, a few hints to possible twists, then take off in a delightfully impulsive manner. fantasy, bloody survival, apocalypse, brutal retellings of childhood fairytales, science fiction, anything different or weird really ~( :if you can dig it, let me know. [hider=My Spoiler]by the way I don't really have a lot of time on my hands, I work too much and can't balance well but if you're a patient soul then we're perfect for each other.[/hider] did I mention I'm a little Willy Wonka odd?