[@carla6677] Jyden spotted a girl drawing something though he couldn't what it was from way back here. Curious, he went over to her. [i][color=red]Kill her.[/color][/i] [i]No.[/i] He took a minute to even say anything at first. He then looked at her. "Hi." His voice was very soft and almost hard to hear unless you had good ears. [@DeadlyPhoenix] Ky's thoughts about no one sharing this class with him were dashed when he saw one other person(Erik). "Hey there, I'm Ky." He said as leaned back in his seat. [hr] Ethan saw the other boy get up and walk over to a girl. [i]Good riddance.[/i] He leaned back in his seat as well, secretly happy that he got his solitude again or at least for a bit. [hr] Ace was running around the gym like no one was watching... literally. "Hmm, I want doughnuts!" His only answer was silence. He decided to stop running after a bit. "What to do next?" He hummed to himself as he thought about it