[hr][hr][center][h2][b][i][color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h2][/center] [b][center][color=b8860b]Location:[/color] Yellow Rose Temple -> En Route to the Crossed Swords Inn & Tavern[/center][/b][b][center][color=b8860b]Interacting With:[/color] Sana, Yomdi [/center][/b][hr][center][i]GM permission to bunny Sana and Yomdi[/i][/center][hr][hr] Alright, Keystone had to admit that he had some concerns regarding Yomdi's technique. It seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with healing nor diagnosis, appearing more like a series of wild gyrations designed to show off his deceptive vigor and flexibility. To be fair, the broad pugilist was not a Healer. Quite the opposite, he was generally called upon to act in his role as a breaker of bones and crusher of squishier parts of (demi)human anatomy. Still, this was weird. Even for Yomdi. That concern increased when his friend and former adventuring partner, Sana, was rendered breathless. Her struggle to pull good air into her lungs brought Keystone's concern swiftly to alarm; he in fact had stepped a foot forward to do something rash. He wasn't exactly certain what he intended to do, but there was an emotion associated with obligation that welled up to the surface of his battle-scarred frame. In that second, the Gypsy-Bard received a hard smack from Yomdi and breathed in fresh air. Concern left Keystone's face as he heard Sana's clear voice sound out the first of what might very well be a lengthy series of angry insults. His heart beat a little slower, and mirth found its way into his voice. [color=b8860b]"Ah good, she'll be alright then..."[/color] mentioned Keystone. The landscape of his thought was that, now that she was strong enough to hurl insult, she was strong enough to recover. Of course, that probably meant she still needed a little time to [i]fully[/i] recover, which was likely why the otherwise shameless man felt safe enough to poke a little fun. Sana well rested and at full ability wasn't something to take lightly, even for a bareknuckle specialist like himself. [color=82ca9d]"Keystone?"[/color] she spoke with uncharacteristic calm. Something uncomfortable might be forthcoming. [color=82ca9d]"Don't think we're not discussing this later."[/color] [color=b8860b]"Aw, Bacon's sake, lady! Had me worried, you did. C'mon, let's get somethin' to drink and sup on, talk 'bout hat we're doin' next, yeah?"[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Sure."[/color] Still calm. Damnit. [color=82ca9d]"While we're at it, you're going to tell me how many 'friends' you have in this area, in case something like this happens again."[/color] The Master of the Yellow Rose Temple interjected, [b]"Yes, yes. All friends here! You get the Bad Air again, Yomdi will fix you up, good as new! Better maybe... Yes, yes... no. No, just good as new. But fixed!"[/b] The look on Sana's face was not one of encouragement for Keystone. [color=b8860b]"Look, Miss Sana, he did fix ya, right? Ain't always sunshine an' candies, now is it?"[/color] Again, Yomdi spoke his peace. [b]"Good! Good. Now, you go. Rest, eat, come back another time. Yomdi will be waiting. Yomdi knows you have questions, many questions. You will have answers, too. But now, go to friends."[/b] He crept up to Keystone as he spoke, and rose to full height in front of the man. His right hand raised, first two fingers extended. These he tapped onto the side of the Pugilist's head repeatedly has he continued speaking, [b]"Remember to breathe. Maybe Yomdi can fix you too, young Monk. Help you open what they closed. Yes? Yes. Breathe! Now go."[/b] Thoroughly not understanding what the old man was babbling about, Keystone gave a traditional gesture of respect, bowing slightly while tapping his knuckles together in front of himself. It wasn't exactly how the action was performed in this area, he had come to find out, but it was easily recognized as a comparable gesture nonetheless. [color=b8860b]"Many thanks, Master Yomdi."[/color] He moved to assist Sana. She could likely walk out under her own power, but he hoped that she would not begrudge him a small assist as he placed her arm on his shoulder for balance and moved his hand to the back of her waist. [color=b8860b]"C'mon then. Let's get back to Kyra an' them."[/color]