[@thewizardguy][@supertinyking][@kishin asura] Mithias stood silent for a long while, even until after the Silent King finally sat back down. He didn't need to look at the orb or speak to anyone any longer. He watched the Necron Lord, saying nothing, his face the placid gaze of a venerated elder, wisened and detached, yet a storm brewed behind the human facade. Only his hesitation belied the struggle within, how he fought to hold tight the seal that kept his emotions hidden. The words of the once-mortal demon of justice rose again in his mind, leveling at him like a loaded gun, testing his resolve. "...or you can side with Tall, Silent and Silver, and have everyone you love put under his shiny metal thumb..." Then, reluctantly, Mithias realized what he had to do. Giving no indication as to which way he had sided, Mithias took his gaze off the Silent King and addressed the council. "I must go to my homeworld immediately. Please provide me the transport." He took the black infosphere in his grasp, intending to leave with it. It would be necessary as evidence of his claims, whichever way his world went. 36 hours was very little time.