Now, a few things: 1) We're doing a "Relations" post. They're fairly simple, straight forward things. It's essentially a little blurb about how your character sees the other characters. It's entirely okay to make up that one time where the other character bonded with your character over...cheetos, or music, or whatever. Maybe there was a rivalry to begin with. Maybe not. Iono, be creative with it. Confused? Let me know. Or just wait until I release one for Emy, probably do one for Ash, too. Remember, this group (sans Emy) has been doing this for around a year. They eat lunch together, hang between classes together, they presumably have a weekly ritual like movie night together on Saturday, or whatever. 2) How well do we want the Scoobies already knowing the Watcher so far? Very little? Not at all? A lot? 3) Let me know if you have any monster, theme, idea, whatever, you loved from the canon material and would LOVE to have it included in this RP. Let me know if you have a character story arc you want to explore IC. The goal for me is everyone enjoying this game, not "here's a story, here's a setting, make a character, now start writing." Nah. Let's try to make this as much your game as it is my game, and we'll both be better off for it, I think.