[b]Cassandra[/b] "Welcome Justin" Cassandra said as he joined them, continuing the assembly of her kit, and listened to the reason behind every one's choice of kit. "I always liked the 'frog' Gusion best. It's the least Gundam looking Gundam I've ever seen plus, it's kinda cute in a really bizarre way." she commented as she put the arms into the torso, and the 'cloak' on the shoulder. "Shame it was instantly changed to the Rebake after it was captured, would have liked to have seen a bit more from froggy." Then decided to turn to commenting on the others suits. "I hope the Xamel works out for you. I've never seen one used well, ether by the AI or a person, but I've seen some one beat ass in an Acguy of all things. So I'm sure I just haven't been paying attention long enough to see some one do anything neat with one. Mom probably has though." She said to Justin as she put the legs in to the hip joints. "Not gonna lie though, not a fan of UC designs though. Far to 'cookie cutter' for my tastes, and I especially loath the ones that are identical to another suit save a different weapon or head, or some other really minor difference that has no right to be considered a 'full variant'." Cassandra put that last few parts on her kit. "Maybe it's because my mom and her friends are builders and fighters, and that's what I've grown up around, but I have an affinity for suits designs with 'personality' to them." [b]Alexis[/b] "Ha! Don't worry she says." Alexis snarked. "That's never gonna happen, but it's one of those things 'you'll under stand if you have kids'." she added. "But you sure you want it to mimic a human way of thinking? I've seen some pretty stupid people ... even in the higher rankings..."Alexis added, then that smirk they'd seen before, the one she got when some one was challenging her crossed her face. "But if you think 'Zero' is so tough an opponent, all i have to say to that is, 'bring it'."