Jaina bounced off the duracrete wall as she turned the corner in a dead turn. All around her was artificial light and decaying urban sprawl of Coruscant lower levels. The Jedi Master wasn't sure, but she thought she was closer to the planet's bedrock than its open air upper levels. Behind her Jaina heard the snapping jaws and snarls of her pursuers, a pack of Voxyn and their Mandalorian hunters. Where these Mandalorian had managed to find any surviving Voxyn in the seventeen years since their queen was destroyed was beyond her. The end of the walkway was coming up fast. She only had one shot to lose her hunters. Throwing herself forward Jaina broke through the rusted out railing and plummeted down the air shaft. Air rushed by her as she fell the twenty meters to the building below. Spinning herself around Jaina reached out through the force and pushed out a cushion of air to slow her descent. Jaina crashed through the decaying building material and crashed into a building with another ten meter drop. Directly below her was some sort of glowing doorway. Jaina threw up her arms over her head and she fell through. As if it was only the next room Jaina flew into the other world. Except instead of falling vertically the Jedi flew through the door horizontally, skidding across a much softer ground than was expected. Jaina rolled herself towards a group of people she noticed just as she slid to a stop. Both hands came up, the purple blade of her lightsaber extending from the right, and a hold out blaster in the left. Focusing on the new people for the first time and seeing the strangeness of them Jaina sighed. "I have a bad feeling about this."