[@Grey] I haven't played [i]Awakening[/i], so tactician didn't even come to mind. Thanks~ Depending on how much older your character is, it wouldn't be a stretch to be pre-promoted. You could adapt the older version of Valkyrie, so you're a mounted unit with staves and swords. Also! I do have some ideas about our shared character history. Let's say we're royalty, but a few steps removed from the line of succession. We could the children of the king's younger brother. It wouldn't be a stretch to say our father could be the lord of an important duchy, either responsible for troops or natural resources. Perhaps both? Assuming that, the eldest (being you) would be groomed for an administrative role, so being a "support" character on the field makes a bit of sense. I was also thinking, that you might be the child of our father's first wife, and the sister be born to a second or third wife. That would give us an easy way to explain any age difference. We'd probably have some other brothers and sisters too, which we can flesh out later as needed. Having a competent older brother as a role model, she grows up into somewhat of a tomboy. I imagine her tagging along to the general's meetings and such, being more interested in learning military strategy and technical studies than lessons in how to act at court or keeping up with fashion. What do you think? [quote=Alder] if anyone wants a retainer I could see myself joining this as one [/quote] [@Alder] I think it would be fun to have a PC retainer, but [@Genkai] has final say on that one. =o