[@Sho Minazuki][@floodtalon] Coming to a halt so he could observe the scene, Akoni drank in the carnage. Angel and demon locked in bloody warfare, the only clear victor here was death. Yet on the other side of this horrific battlefield stood some sort of structure, likely ancient. Neither side was gaining any ground as they battled tooth and nail over entry. The old mage just shook his head. Normally the fastest route to a destination was always a straight line. However, when your specialty happened to lie in bending space and tearing conventional physics asunder, well, screw that noise. The two of them needed to be as fresh and capable as possible when they located Sevrin. Defeating him with the Yamato, even untrained, would be incredibly difficult. Capturing him alive would be borderline impossible. Best not to waste any strength on the fodder between point A and point B. [color=dodgerblue]"It would be unwise to engage them. The target is still out of reach, and incredibly powerful."[/color] With his succinct explanation out of the way, Akoni began to cross the battlefield. His Gatewalk range was only 60 feet, and even at the blindingly fast speed produce by his Surge technique it was still bright enough to gather attention, so getting to the doorway of the large structure was instead a question of creating gates that would propel the two high up into the air, hopefully above the attention of angel and demon alike. From there he could Surge across the sky, and ultimately Gate them back down to earth, right in front of the door. As long as all went well, they would avoid any combat.