Jenso's flame saw cut through the leg it struck with ease, but rather than falling to pieces, the point at which the saw sliced ended up connected by a stream of electrical energy, allowing it even more flexibility, and a new dangerous aura. The golem's footing however, shifted violently. It wobbled, pulling its legs up and then down, one at a time, in quick succession, to avoid from falling. Three of its legs propelled towards the doorway where Bruce and Jenso stood, and bent near their tips, grasping onto the inner frame as two more legs launched forwards, aimed to skewer both fighters. All the while, the beast's three remaining legs, grasped onto the roof of the temple. The falling pillars tore through a few more of its legs despite its attempts to avoid Bruce's attack, but just as before, the remained fused with the same energy that kept its body together near the center.