[@BurningDaisies] [@Grey] If you guys want to flesh out your family/retainers/etc out in the OOC, totally feel free even if it might be just a picture and short description, any minor characters that would be referred in IC would be great to know in the OOC/CS tabs. :) So to sum up your two roles, they would or wouldn't be in the direct royal line? And what ages were you thinking? The twin associated with Nohr for me will probably be a butler unless one of you wanted a retainer, I could do that too. I've only been skimming as you two have gone back and forth, I've got another OOC in another tab. Though I can probably have our OOC up tonight or tomorrow night at the latest but since we're all fairly knowledgeable of FE, it won't be too tiring to throw together info and stuff.