//Placeholder [hider=Nohr - Faye] [center][h1].: Faye :.[/h1] [s] | : [[/s]❀[s]] : | [/s] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e7/47/cd/e747cdc8dc94427a5d1e05ecd7c67ebc.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [s] | : [[/s]❀[s]] : | [/s] [b]Class:[/b] Tactician [b]Weapon Affinity:[/b] Swords - D [b]Magic Affinity:[/b] Dark Magic - D Anima - D [s] | : [[/s]❀[s]] : | [/s] [b]Personality:[/b] A bit bull-headed and willful at times, but Faye is usually gentle and accepting. In possession of an overwhelmingly positive outlook and an idealistic, almost naive, sense of morality, her general attitude passively encourages those around her. While [i]prodigy[/i] is a tall order to fill, it is true that Faye can generally remember most of what she sees, but her memory isn't perfect nor is she a genius. Between her own talents and growing up around educated people has skewed her perception to expect an unrealistic level of competence from everyone. Despite this, she is never condescending and is more than willing to teach others what she knows. [b]Talents and Shortcomings:[/b] Faye has few problems picking up new skills and generally excels at whatever she applies herself to. However, to maintain a level of excellence requires constant practice. [b]Hopes and Fears:[/b] "One day I'll become like Nii-sama: someone who always knows the right thing to do and who everyone admires." "I would rather die than disappoint Nii-sama." [s] | : [[/s]❀[s]] : | [/s] [b]Relationships[/b] ??? - [i]Brother[/i] - Good Brigh - Teacher/Attendant - Good Amos - Mercenary/Servant - Neutral Sorscha - Family Retainer - Good [s] | : [[/s]❀[s]] : | [/s] [b]History:[/b] WIP [s] | : [[/s]❀[s]] : | [/s] [b]Equipment:[/b] Looking glass Medicine pouch filled with dried herbs Unguents, salves, and healing balms Small pieces of jewelry, each of which is used to entice a particular kind of elemental spirit An heirloom pendant from Faye's mother made from the shard of a giant pearl [/center][/hider] [hider=Nohr - Amos] [center][h1].: Amos :.[/h1] [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/66/a7/60/66a7601fd71fe37cbfe6ae04df5b8a02.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Class:[/b] Fighter [b]Weapon Affinity:[/b] Axes - C [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Personality:[/b] A rough upbringing in a cutthroat town has squeezed much of the humanity out of Amos. The trauma left him unable to navigate his way through social encounters like normal person. All too familiar with the horrors of violence, he took the field of battle as a sellsword and made his home on the road. Despite his calm demeanor, he is somewhat wild and unpredictable, often resorting to violence as a means to an end. His intimidating physique and black-and-white outlook often leads people to believe he is a muscle-brained simpleton. In reality, he is a deeply conflicted individual. Outwardly, Amos seems to know right from wrong, but follows whatever path is most convenient for him. However, that moral sense is something he lacks, but aspires to cultivate. The reason he gravitates towards his current employer, Faye, is that he recognizes as morally upright; particularly, he uses her as his own moral compass; and through her, he vicariously reconnects with a part of himself he once thought was lost. Even if he weren't being paid, he'd likely still follow his righteous employer. [b]Talents and Shortcomings:[/b] Keen intuition and an apparent damaged capacity for empathy make Amos useful as mercenary, but a very poor diplomat. He believes its much more effective to leverage someone's self-interest than appeal to their better nature. In practice, he can read people easily and sense their intentions, but finds difficulty in "doing the right thing". [b]Hopes and Fears:[/b] His greatest hope and greatest fear are inextricably linked. For someone like him, he fears its all too easy to become the kind of remorseless monster seen lurking in dark alleys and bloodying themselves on the field of battle. He doesn't want to lose what little humanity he has left, and will fight to keep it. [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Relationships[/b] Faye - Employer - Good [Grey] - Employer's Brother - Neutral [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [/center][/hider] [hider=Nohr - Brigh] [center][h1].: Brigh :.[/h1] [s] | : [[/s]₪[s]] : | [/s] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c2/d2/a4/c2d2a4d9c1603ed44710240239c919e8.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 44 [s] | : [[/s]₪[s]] : | [/s] [b]Race:[/b] Beastkin [b]Class:[/b] [b]Weapon Affinity:[/b] Staves - C Tomes - [s] | : [[/s]₪[s]] : | [/s] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Talents and Shortcomings:[/b] [b]Hopes and Fears:[/b] [s] | : [[/s]₪[s]] : | [/s] [b]Relationships[/b] [Grey] - Employer Lennart - Lord Nils - [s] | : [[/s]₪[s]] : | [/s] [b]History:[/b] WIP [s] | : [[/s]₪[s]] : | [/s] [b]Equipment:[/b] [/center][/hider] [hider=Nohr - Sorscha] [center][h1].: Sorscha :.[/h1] [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/65/cf/c7/65cfc7a03b4ae1d9186fe1a08bc779e0.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 22 [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Class:[/b] ? [b]Weapon Affinity:[/b] Axes - Lances - Swords - [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Personality:[/b] Sorscha can be easily described with one word: [i]Shrewd.[/i] Not the type to mince words or quote eloquent prose, Sorscha has very direct--and sometimes abrasive--manner of addressing others and has no problems speaking her mind. She prizes efficiency and personal growth, and maintains a regular training schedule like clockwork. But, underneath the facade of a servile knight is an intelligent and calculating mind. She makes a point to determine people's interests and goals, and has little patience for gossip. She tends to keep a measured distance from strangers and insipid court ladies. Trained in court etiquette from a young age, she know when she can speak and when to stay silent, and has excellent control over her expressions. Her poker face slowly come to have a reputation of its own. [b]Talents and Shortcomings:[/b] Having grown up in a noble family filled with ministers and government officials, she has keen understanding into how they think and the nature of politics. She relies on her experiences and intuition to judge the character of those she meets, but is sometimes too quick to offer harsh criticism. Regardless, her assessments are always insightful. It's no mystery why she serves as both a bodyguard to [Onii-sama] and as his personal aide. [b]Hopes and Fears:[/b] Although she would never admit it, she harbors an unrequited affection for her liege lord and charge [Onii-sama]. Born from too low of a family to be eligible as his legal wife, Sorscha became a knight so she can at least remain by his side and keep him safe. [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Relationships[/b] [Onii-sama] - Liege - Good Faye - Liege #2 - Good [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]History:[/b] [/center][/hider] [hider=Unaffiliated - Karst] [center][h1].: Karst :.[/h1] [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/12/5b/91/125b910959cf76df17cb37dc651cf286.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 26 [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Class:[/b] Outlaw [b]Weapon Affinity:[/b] Shuriken/Knives - C [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Personality:[/b] Taciturn and thoughtful, Karst may not be the most intelligent, but wise and insightful in spite of that. [b]Talents and Shortcomings:[/b] She is a skilled navigator and naturalist, but has difficulty relating to people from the city. In particular, she tends to regard them with suspicion She's more likely to hold a conversation with the falcons she raises than with a noble from the capital. [b]Hopes and Fears:[/b] WIP [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]Relationships[/b] [s] | : [[/s] ⚔ [s]] : | [/s] [b]History:[/b] Karst and her tribe enjoy much autonomy as few rulers have the means to chase after life-long nomads through treacherous mountains and hungry rivers. Often labelled as outlaws for failing to respect the proper authorities of an area, the life of her and her people may be harsh, but they enjoy its simplicity over the unnecessary complication of governance and sovereignty. [/center][/hider]