[b]Art[/b] [@carla6677] Jyden understood her reaction. "It's fine and like I said I was only curious." He wondered if he should get back to his seat. "I should probably get back to my desk anyhow." There was no art teacher yet, but that didn't mean one wouldn't arrive later on. [i][color=red]Get rid of her![/color][/i] [i]Shut up![/i] He hated how he couldn't even have one decent conversation without Darth interfering. [@carla6677] Ethan sighed as someone else came to talk to him. [i]Maybe if I keep it simple, she'll choose another seat.[/i] He thought as he began to speak. "Ethan." [hr] [b]Science[/b] [@Allie] Larry looked over at Aspen "I'd be delighted if you would and I'm Larry." He gave a small grin towards the girl as he awaited her response. [hr] Darrell was in his car, driving over to the school. He parked it the teacher's parking lot once he arrived. He turned of the engine before getting out and locking the car doors. He then headed into the building and then power-walked to the gym.