[@RolePlayerRoxas][@VitaVitaAR] I have been working on it since I left interest in the interest check, but here it is, my character sheet. [hider=Yukazu Megumi, Ladylike Magician] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/47/7e/0d/477e0dab9335e84db550e76cc1513edb.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Yukazu Megumi (Given name: Megumi) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] At first glance, Megumi would seem like a nice, well-mannered girl. Upon closer inspection, she'll turn out to be an ill-mannered street-thug with a love for magic tricks and a violence-fetish. She tends to pose herself as a helpless girl and manipulate other into doing her bidding. When she gets tired of someone, she'll usually single them out and then reveal her cruel ways. While this has proven to be effective, she is very willing to turn to violence in the cases it doesn't. [u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] Raised in a strict household, Megumi grew up to be very polite and well-mannered...Until she made some thug friends in her early-teens. During her time with them she quickly developed a cold and sarcastic alter-ego. This alter-ego quickly became more than that, as she realized she felt more comfortable like that. After this realization, she stopped referring to it as an alter-ego, and instead dubbed her former self that. (Which she still maintains at home and when meeting new people) As the time came to choose a high school, both Megumi and her parents had already decided what school she'd go to. While her parents decided to send her to a private school, Megumi had set her sights on Shiroyama High School. Megumi, not feeling like debating the matter with er parents, solved the problem in her own way. Applying her elaborate trickery, she got her parents to sign the papers and get her way. So while they think she's studying at a private school, she's actually enrolled in Shiroyama High School. To solve the issue of hiding bruises and scars from her parents, she lives at the dorms. [u][b]Inherent Engine Skill:[/b][/u] [i]Wind Walker[/i] Megumi can walk inexistent staircases, but not only downstairs, she can also walk upstairs! Able to levitate, Megumi can move freely in the air, just as simple as if she were on the ground. [u][b]Active Engine Device:[/b][/u] [i][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/31/3b/70/313b702937726b488febc4be5e564e5c.jpg]The Mask of the Phantom of the Opera[/url][/i] The mask effectively has three modes. Megumi can switch between these modes at will, but she can only use the Escapist mode when she's in dire-straits. [u]Modes:[/u][list] [*]Off - While the mask is off, it serves as nothing more than a fancy mask. Great for a ball. [*]On - While the mask is on, it turns Megumi invisible, as well as what she wears and carries, while she's carrying it. [*]Escapist - While the mask is in escapist mode, Megumi can phase through inorganic matter at will. [/list] [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Living the life of a rich girl, while also enjoying the thug life, Megumi has excellent handwriting and is a capable fighter. As most of the fights she got in were streetfights, however, Megumi is a diamond in the rough. She also enjoys magic tricks, and has been practising from a young age. By now she has mastered all sleight-of-hand magic tricks, and she's currently trying to master escape tricks. [b]Rank:[/b] 0 [b]Club:[/b] Magic Club [/hider]