[b][u]Art[/u][/b] [@Letmehaveone2] Cal nodded quietly. "Maybe it is a good idea, we have no idea when the teacher us coming and we should probably be in our seats, it was nice to meet you Jyden and I hope we see each other again sometime, probably next time we have art" Ali smiled brightly at Ethan. "Nice to meet you, also one warning, there is one thing that will get me angry, never make fun of my height I may be small but I am fiesty and what I lack in height I make up for in personality" she giggled [b][u]Science[/u][/b] [@Allie][@Letmehaveone2] "Hey I am Aria, thank you for offering but I read ahead a bit so I kind of know what is coming up and what I missed but you seem like a nice person honestly. So it is nice to meet you anyway and I hope we can maybe chat again later" Lyra smiled brightly. "Thank you for offering and I would love some help, I am Lyra by the way and it is nice to meet you, it is nice to meet you too Larry" she smiled brightly to both of them, intent on showing kindness to them. [b][u]Music[/u][/b] Ash stayed by herself as she was too scared to approach anyone and she was fine with that as she wrote and quietly sang her songs as she loved music and music made her happy as it made her feel safe and it made her feel not as scared when she was singing her songs. [@Letmehaveone2] Lia walked over to a guy named Price in her music class as she smiled gently as she sat down by him. "Hello I am Lalia but everyone calls me Lia it is nice to meet you, what is your name" she asked quietly as she looked down a bit. [b][u]Gym[/u][/b] [@Letmehaveone2] Cindy raced up to Ace during Gym. "Heya, my name is Cinders but everyome calls me Cindy, what is your name, there is not many people in this gym class, people probably have Gym later on their schedule instead if first lesson which is quite early; do you have an apple or a sugar cube by any chance I am hungry" she smiled [b][u]Maths[/u][/b] Miss Rivers stayed asleep in her chair quietly as a fox as she had no students to teach right now so there was no need to be awake on the first day of school when she has 2 hours in a row without any class si she could spend her time sleeping for now instead of staying awake for no reason whatsoever and that was her logic.