Fendros was somewhat satisfied with Meesei's answer. [i]As long as I'm not ordered to pass such judgement on someone in a ruin, I don't think there will be problems,[/i] He thought. The invitation to explore one of the ruins made Fendros pause to consider it. The ruins, whether they be old Imperial forts or Ayleid, were areas that Fendros had previously steered clear from due to bandits, creatures, or worse residing within. He himself did not know much history beyond what his parents had taught him about Morrowind, but his curiosity was piqued. "I think that would be quite interesting," Fendros said, purposely not revealing any previous desire to become an adventurer, "I think I'll take you up on that offer." Fendros looked up and saw a hawk circling above. "I think we are going to attract mountain lions if we stay for much longer. Did you have any more questions, or should we start butchering the corpse?"