[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QMD2w5P.png[/img] [h3][color=silver]Ferris Solidor[/color][/h3][/center] [color=silver]"Heathen"[/color] Ferris sniffed at Charon over his second cup of coffee, gripped firmly in his metal hand so that he could not feel the heat. [color=silver]"One of these days we shall indoctrinate you into Brotherhood of Holy Mocha, and you shall drink deeply and be satisfied."[/color] He told him in a lofty voice. He shook his head. [color=silver]"How do we drink it? Enthusiastically, with appreciation, and in great quantities. Cheers."[/color] He raised his cup in a mock toast. Then he took a sip. Too hot. He took another sip. [color=silver]"Yes, I'm alive."[/color] He said, answering Andromeda. [color=silver]"Never underestimate the revival powers of a good, strong cup of Joe."[/color] At the mention of his sword he paused. Then smiled. [color=silver]"Of course not, nothing is 'going down'. I just like being prepared."[/color] He lied easily. [color=silver]"I've carried it everywhere for so long, I'd feel naked without it."[/color] Which was true at least. He set his mug down and tucked into the food, cutting off any further questions. [@Caasicam] [@SuperCustodiam]