Okay, I might shoot myself in the foot again but here it goes... [hider=Ryuji] [list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u]Isobe Ryuji [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u]17 [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u][url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1180191]He's a tall beefy dummy.[/url] [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Ryuji is one of the gentlest people of the school. He's dedicate, straightforward, honest and well meaning. He is also stubborn as a mule and a staunch pacifist, which does clash directly with the School's aim. Truthfully, he dislikes the school, but keeps from disclosing the reason why is he even here. However, there are still ways to set him off. He abhors violence as a tool to oppress the weak, and he frowns upon bullies. He also dislikes people who think violence is fun. He prefers talking people down, but when left without options, Ryuji's fighting ethic is implacable and vicious, aiming to disable opponents as quickly as possible. [*][u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] Isobe was born in a rather poor and somewhat dysfunctional family. Money didn't flow much into the household and his mother and father were alternating yelling with making amends to eachother. Still, he was happy of his small but humble dwelling, and he even had friends to play with. The most notable was the girl next door. Both of them had several adventures through the neighbourhood together, and in all, they spent being kids in those summer days. Yet one day, Isobe had to depart. His parents apparently had lost the house and were evicted, and thus they had to move and start anew. Ryuji's mood darkened, and he started picking up fights constantly to quell his anger. It got so bad, that his face eventually became marred with a knife scar when he picked on the wrong crowd. However, when things were at his darkest, Ryuji found a helping hand in the figure of his would be Sensei, his own grandfather, who had been a martial artist all his life and taught Ryuji how to endure and stay away from violence. Ryuji found he had a knack for martials as well, and he trained vigorously. He even run errands to earn money to travel to Tibet in order to practice with the monks there. One day, a letter penned by his childhood friend arrived at his new home. Ryuji visiblely wept, and reading the letter, he found out she was in trouble and nobody else would answer, so she tried asking Ryuji. He thus set forth to the last known place where she was, Shiroyama High School. It didn't turn out as expected. Apparently, while his friend desired his help,she had actually warped the reality of the situation and she wanted some extra muscle. Ryuji was disgusted at this, but he decided to stick in the High School for a while. Perhaps these people would see sense in their violent folly one day. [*][u][b]Inherent Engine Skill:[/b][/u] Ki Control. Years of martial arts disciplined have honed Ryuji's body (and Mana core) to the point of being able to do supernatural feats. His body's resilience is the stuff of legends, as well as he may as be well called supernatural when performing physical feats. He is so adept at this, he can expel the Ki (mana) in the form of blasts through his hands when performing certain fighting techniques. He can even force his body and mana core to go into overdrive, but this comes with the inherent self-inflicted damage this implies. (He likes to call this technique Asura mode. He's still a bit of a dork). [*][u][b]Active Engine Device:[/b][/u] Beads of Soothing- These wondrous beads, given to him by Tibetan Monks, are useless in battle most of the time, but their power should not be scoffed at. By concentrating and praying with these devices, one may shield allies from harm, purify areas or people from negative effects, and if taken to the extreme, heal grievous wounds and mystically repair buildings or devices. Worth noting that these require the user to be still and concentrated, and thus open to attacks. [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u]Ryuji's concentration is hard to shake. Ryuji excels in repetitive tasks, and couple with his strong and fit body, he is pretty good at manual work and errands. He also knows how to do minor sewing and cooking, and stand on his own. Given his martial background and size, he can give heavenly massages or even set bones. On the other side, years of conditioning have stripped him of the ability to dance, and he's tonedeaf. He also lacks some people's skills. [*][u][b]Rank:[/b][/u]0 [*][u][b]Club:[/b][/u] No one, unless there's a pacifist club or something. [/list][/hider] Edit: You can pitch suggestions for childhood friend :P