[center][h2]Freyja Leden[/h2][/center] [hr] The match finally began, and the redhead who punched Jonathan earlier started it by rushing straight towards the enemy's flag. Not really a smart move, in her opinion, but it certainly suited her hot-tempered "think later act now" personality. And as she had predicted, her attack was immediately repelled by the opposing team, a blue-haired boy, with a strong kick using both of his legs and all the weight of his body. The girl was flung away, landing face floor to the ground. That must have hurt, she thought. As the battles were unfolding, she noticed some of the non-participating students scribbling away like mad, no doubt taking notes of all the powers in display. She herself didn't understand the point. She could remember all the powers being displayed just fine without writing it down. She usually only used notes during her research, where she had to write down a complicated chemical reaction to really understand it without confusing it with a similar yet very different reaction. Compared to that, this was quite simple to remember. Well, as a teacher, she wouldn't scold a student for taking notes. But still, she felt it was quite rude to the ones in combat. She wouldn't be happy if she were to receive the similar treatment. She would feel like a lab rat.