A rider was slowly moving down the road, her pretty great horse carrying her and a big wolf behind herself without any difficulty. The woman wore clothes made out of cotton, linen and furs. Her fur coat currently completely buttoned up, only from a small opening could the linen shirt underneath could be seen. Down across her stomach over her coat she wore a corset of sorts that kept the fur coat nicely closed and tight, while also providing decent protection for her stomach in the form of tempered and layered leather. She also wore a set of pants made out of fur and linen also. Finally to complete her image, she had very high leather boots, tightened above and under her knee with straps. Effectively making it so water would hardly enter them. The very last detail was a strange belts tied to some small steel chains to her corset. It was a log leather strip with steel and silver round plates across it on even intervals, adorned with the moon cycles. On her forehead could be seen a braided band of leather strips. Her long raven hair softly flowed behind herself almost like a black silken cape and from underneath said cape only the metal on two handles of swords shone. The handles were curved and adorned with some kind of red wood. Aside the curious swords she carried, this woman appeared to be hailing from Skellige. The woman threw a glance behind herself where she had strapped the dead wolf to the saddle. It was truly a great beast with beautiful gray fur. It's pack had made the mistake of attacking her 2 days back and she had taken it as a trophy. The wolf was clearly dead, from a great slash across it's neck. She had even wrapped the wound with cloth so it's blood doesn't dirty her horse and the rest of it's fur. From what she knew, there was a village not far from where she now stood... maybe half an hour slow ride until there. The wolf was starting to smell a little so she had no other choice, but go there. They should have leather workers or hunters to skin this beast. She liked it's fur and frankly it would make a fine set of new gloves at the very least, but she had other plans for the beautiful gray fur of this one. She was decent at sewing, but not so great at skinning thus she wanted a trained person to do it. She had heard the rumors of a Sylvan praying on this village, but frankly wasn't as convinced. AS far as she was concerned, she was just here to get the wolf skinned and it's pelt prepared. Suddenly as she heard a distant scream coming from the village up ahead, her horse stopped in it's tracks, shacking head in disapproval and stopping in place. “Eeasy... easy, Aslan.” The woman stated, caressing the horse's head.” When were you ever afraid from some screams?” She added, calming the horse down until it started to move again.” Let's go see if they have someone to take care of my wolf problem. Eitherway you get to not carry that heavy as hell wolf anymore once we arrive.” The rider whispered to the horse that finally calmed enough to move again. [i]' Maybe it's the bad grass and he feels restless. I should buy him some proper feed if they have at the village.'[/i] She thought, once more riding with confidence forward.