How do you like this, boss? Every army needs good NCO's. [b]Name:[/b] Avernus [b]Age:[/b] 177 [b]Appearance:[/b] Avernus stands tall, even for an Astartes, reaching up to almost nine feet in height outside of armor. He is clad in standard Mark VII plate, repainted from the dark colors of his parent chapter to the glaring brilliance of the Celestial Falcons. He assesses threats and possible areas of tactical advantage through the rictus snarl of his Mark VII helm, and launches himself to the midst of the enemy with his jump pack. And together with his squad, he cuts into them with his bolt pistol and chainsword. His features are wide, thin-lipped and gaunt, and his head is clean shaven. Like the rest of those implanted with the seed of Lord Corax, his skin is deathly pale and his eyes are jet black. He looks like a corpse even more so than the usual scion of the Raven. Veins and arteries can be seen bulging under his skin, traveling through the mountain of muscle that makes up his superhuman form. Sometimes they cross scars from past mistakes against equal or superior foes. [b]Desired Position:[/b] Assault Sergeant [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Mark VII Aquila Full Set [*]Bolt Pistol [*]Chainsword [*]3x Fragmentation Grenades [*]3x Krak Grenades[/list] [b]Special Skills:[/b] [i][b]Shock, Awe and Death:[/b][/i] Avernus was one of the the best assault marines in the Raven Guard. His strikes are swift, his blows are true, and his squad always seems to land at precisely where the enemy is at their weakest. Even among Astartes his melee combat skill is superb. He has absorbed the instruction of Corax like a sponge, and more than one armored column has fallen prey to his squad's ambushes and their barrage of sudden krak grenades. [b]Personal History:[/b] Avernus' history before the Raven Guard is irrelevant to his current being. In fact, all he remembers of that time are just vague black-and-white images of a burning Hive World, and the giants that had come to save it. He remembers being chosen amidst smoke and flame, his still tiny hand awkwardly clutching a bloodied laspistol. But after this, the memories turn from grayscale pictures to vibrant, colored explosions of recollection. Eager to prove himself and realizing the chance that he had been given, Avernus devoted himself entirely to the Chapter. He served his time as Scout without error and was eventually picked for the Assault role for his particular talent at hand-to-hand combat. So then Avernus began to thrive, under Sergeant Garren's command. He relished in the way the Raven Guard fought - the decisive victories won before the enemy even knew what was happening. Eventually Sergeant Garren was promoted to a higher position and Avernus would inherit the role of squad leader. Avernus still serves in this capacity as a member of the Celestial Falcons, although he did not volunteer to be part of the successor brotherhood, and doesn't hold any strong feelings regarding the Lord Commander - rather, he was volunteered by one of the Captains. Offended at first, he quietly resigned himself to the logic that the new Chapter simply needed bodies and experience. Counsel with a Chaplain helped him to find peace with this sudden change. So he ultimately took the transfer as an honor, rather than an insult. He was rather mellow with being stripped of his honors and starting anew. They were rather gaudy anyway. Besides, Avernus keeps his own honor roll - and that is his memory. The eidetic recollection of an Astartes gives him the ability to relive the destruction of any and every foe he has faced in the past. Space Marines like Avernus destroy the enemies of Man and this great honor doesn't necessarily have to be displayed for all to see. Visiting them in their shadowy monuments from time to time is enough to show respect. At least, that's what he thinks. Avernus, then, has some obvious issues with his new Chapter's policies. However, he doesn't like voicing them out loud. Sometimes he is passive-aggressive over them, but he would never disobey a direct order. Avernus currently commands Squad Avernus, an assault squad full of young blood eager to prove themselves. [b]Squad Avernus:[/b] [list][*]Sergeant Avernus [*]Brother Rovek [*]Brother Bern [*]Brother Sepricor [*]Brother Erandor [*]Brother Tarraq [*]Brother Vurnon [*]Brother Daramin [*]Brother Thoric [*]Brother Albus[/list]