Huh, it seems like my post didn't appear when sent from the other computer... strange... Anyway! When I first saw the name of this RP immediately I was struck with the comical image of some hapless 'dude' ending up accidentally magicked into a frilly outfit totally unfitting for him XD... of course, I also remember that those animes occasionally had at least one 'magical boy' anyway, of course usually dressed appropriately XD Anyway! Is this still open for more people? I'm interested, but I didn't want to prepare and read through all the posts if it potentially had no room... that said, I actually really like 'chance' in things >3> So this interests me pretty well, and either way i'll probably try out the rolls for it and see what happens XD... RNGesus is usually kind to me... so now that i've said that it'll give me something rediculous and embarassing! :D